libgcrypt and patches

Dirk Stoecker misc at
Thu Aug 25 14:35:37 CEST 2005


some months ago I sent patches (multiple times) to the current libgcrypt 
CVS code to fix a series of memory holes. Since this time I neither had 
any response nor did the CVS code of libgcrypt change a bit since then.

Is there still libgcrypt development?

Is there any sense in resending the patches?

Who is currently responsible for the software?

 ____  _ _  ____  _ _    _ _  ____
|    |  |  |    |  | \  / |  |    | the cool Gremlin from Bischofswerda
|  __   |   ____|  |  \/  |  |    | WWW:
|    |  |  |       |      |  |    | PGP key available on www page.
|____| _|_ |____| _|_    _|_ |____| I hope AMIGA never stops making fun!

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