BUG, I think: fails with -seat

Werner Koch wk at isil.d.shuttle.de
Fri Apr 24 23:36:40 CEST 1998

Matthew Skala <mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca> writes:

> 6kmtsWgwNmGg2ucr9h6uMcn8mUFEK6bnOF2umWm7DyLJJimpnF2BMPmbpkUVTNWUd6dpAAB+Xfx4
> =TBl+
> -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

I know that there is something wrong and I guess I fixed it in my source tree
but I have to test this a little bit more.

> it's going through a filter that adds carriage returns to the file, so
> there are more bytes in the file-to-be-encrypted then there were in the

Ahhh yes - thanks for the hint.


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