c-nocem and gpg (Re: default keyring)

Matthias Urlichs smurf at noris.de
Wed Feb 24 22:26:25 CET 1999


Marco d'Itri:
> How can I select the keyring where newly imported keys will go?
Tell it to not have a defauolt keyring and that's all that will happen.

> BTW, I'm porting c-nocem to gnupg.
I did a minimal version last month or so.
No config file, just the bare bones, but it works.
Advantage: All these cancels are processed in real time.
(I don't need to run the thing five minutes later, when all the 'bad'
articles have been transmitted already.)

You'll also need to patch INN to handle "CANCEL <id>" on the Unix-domain
NNTP socket (IMHO, anything else just plain doesn't make sense). It's
appended below.

## ncmrun.minimal (c) 1999, Matthias Urlichs <smurf at noris.de>
## based on c.nocem
## TODO: use status channel, add config file, add CANCEL streaming, clean
##       up, ...

require '/usr/lib/news/innshellvars.pl';

die "Usage: $0 keyfile\n" unless @ARGV == 1;

my $keys = $ARGV[0]; 
my $gpg="/usr/bin/gpg --textmode --batch --no-default-keyring --keyring=$keys --secret-keyring /dev/null";

my $act = qr/^(abuse|spam|binary|unapproved|retromod|velveeta)$/;

my $stream = undef;
sub cancel($) {
	use IO::Socket;

	my $success = 0;
	my($id) = @_;
	my $count = 10;
	my $retry = 0;
	my $res;

	while(not $success) {
		unless(defined $stream) {
			print STDERR "Opening channel\n";
			$stream = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer => $inn::nntpconnect);
			next unless ref $stream;
			$res = <$stream>;
			unless($res =~ /^2/) {
				$stream = undef;
			$retry = 0;
		print $stream "CANCEL $id\015\012";
		$res = <$stream>;
		return 1 if $res =~ /^2/;
		return 0 if $res == 435;
		$stream = undef if ++$retry >= 3;
		return 0 if $retry > 10;
	} continue {
		print STDERR "Problem ($res)\n";
		sleep($count *= 2);

while(<STDIN>) {
	my $art = $_;
	my $pid;
	sleep 10 while not defined($pid = fork());
	if($pid == 0) {
		close(ER); close(DR);
		close(EW); close(DW);
		exec("sm '$art' | $gpg");
		die "EXIT ERROR";
	close(EW); close(DW);
	my $state = 0;
	my $msgid = "";
	my $id;
	my $issuer;
	my $type;
	my %line;
	while(<DR>) {
		if($state == 0) {
			$state = 1 if /^\@\@BEGIN NCM HEADERS\s*$/;
		} elsif($state == 1) {
			$issuer = $_ if s/^Issuer:\s+//i;
			$type = $_ if s/^Type:\s+//i;
			$id = $_ if s/^Notice-ID:\s+//i;
			$action = $_ if s/^Action:\s+//i;
			$state = 2 if /^\@\@BEGIN NCM BODY\s*$/;
		} elsif($state == 2) {
			$state = 3 if /^\@\@END NCM BODY\s*$/;
			$msgid = $1 if s/^(\<\S+\>)//;
			next if $msgid eq "";
			$line{$msgid} .= $_ if /^\s/;
	my $good;
	my $auth;
	while(<ER>) {
		# print STDERR $_;
		($good,$auth) = ($1,$2) if /(Good|Bad) signature from (".+")/i;
	if($good eq "") {
		print STDERR "Unknown '$issuer' $art\n";
	if($good =~ /bad/i) {
		print STDERR "Bad '$issuer' $auth $art\n";
	if($action ne "hide") {
		print STDERR "Action '$issuer' '$action' $art\n";
	if($type !~ $act) {
		print STDERR "Type '$issuer' '$type' $art\n";
	my $start = time;
	my $ns=0;
	foreach my $id(keys %line) {
	print STDERR "$ns articles, ".(time-$start)." seconds, $auth '$type'.\n";

Index: base.305/innd/nc.c
--- base.305/innd/nc.c Wed, 27 Jan 1999 10:09:05 +0100 smurf (net_news_inn/d/49_nc.c 644)
+++ test.8(w)/innd/nc.c Wed, 27 Jan 1999 10:48:43 +0100 smurf (net_news_inn/d/49_nc.c 664)
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 /* new modules for streaming */
 static FUNCTYPE	NCxbatch();
 static FUNCTYPE	NCcheck();
+static FUNCTYPE	NCcancel();
 static FUNCTYPE	NCtakethis();
 static FUNCTYPE NCwritedone();
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
     {	"help",		NChelp	},
     {	"ihave",	NCihave	},
     {	"check",	NCcheck	},
+    {	"cancel",	NCcancel },
     {	"takethis",	NCtakethis },
     {	"list",		NClist	},
     {	"mode",		NCmode	},
@@ -1085,6 +1087,7 @@
 	    syslog(L_NOTICE, "%s accepted batch size %ld",
 		   CHANname(cp), cp->XBatchSize);
 	    cp->State = CSgetcmd;
+	    cp->XBatchSize = 0;
 	    /* Clear the work-in-progress entry. */
@@ -1264,6 +1267,7 @@
     cp->BadReads = 0;
     cp->BadCommands = 0;
+    cp->IsLocal = IsLocal;
     NCwritereply(cp, (char *)NCgreeting);
     return cp;
@@ -1345,6 +1349,61 @@
 	NCwritereply(cp, cp->Sendid.Data);
     /* stay in command mode */
+**  The "cancel" command.  Kill the article.
+**  Allowed on local connections only.
+NCcancel(CHANNEL *cp)
+    char		*p;
+    int			msglen;
+#if defined(DO_PERL)
+    char		*perlrc;
+#endif /* DO_PERL */
+    ARTDATA     Data;
+    static BUFFER Reply;
+    if(!cp->IsLocal) {
+    	(void)sprintf(cp->Sendid.Data, "%d %s", NNTP_CANTPOST_VAL, p);
+    	NCwritereply(cp, cp->Sendid.Data);
+	return;
+    }
+    /* Snip off the Message-ID. */
+    for (p = cp->In.Data + STRLEN("cancel"); ISWHITE(*p); p++)
+	continue;
+    if (NCbadid(cp, p))
+	return;
+    Data.Posted = Data.Arrived = Now.time;
+    Data.Expires = 0;
+    Data.Feedsite = "?";
+    Data.MessageID = p;
+    msglen = 3 + 2 + strlen(p);
+    if (Reply.Data == NULL) {
+	Reply.Size = msglen;
+	Reply.Data = NEW(char, msglen + 1);
+    }
+    else if (Reply.Size < msglen) {
+	Reply.Size = msglen;
+	RENEW(Reply.Data, char, msglen + 1);
+    }
+    if (Mode == OMrunning)
+        ARTcancel(&Data, Data.MessageID, TRUE);
+    else {
+    	(void)sprintf(Reply.Data, "%d %s", NNTP_RESENDIT_VAL, Data.MessageID);
+    	NCwritereply(cp, Reply.Data);
+	return;
+    }
+    if (innconf->logcancelcomm)
+        syslog(L_NOTICE, "%s cancelled %s", LogName, Data.MessageID);
+    (void)sprintf(Reply.Data, "%d %s", NNTP_TOOKIT_VAL, Data.MessageID);
+    NCwritereply(cp, Reply.Data);
+    return;
Index: base.305/innd/innd.h
--- base.305/innd/innd.h Wed, 27 Jan 1999 09:51:04 +0100 smurf (net_news_inn/e/0_innd.h 1.41 644)
+++ test.8(w)/innd/innd.h Wed, 27 Jan 1999 10:48:44 +0100 smurf (net_news_inn/e/0_innd.h 1.42 664)
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@
     BUFFER		In;
     BUFFER		Out;
     BOOL		Tracing;
+    BOOL		IsLocal;
     BUFFER		Sendid;
     HASH                CurrentMessageIDHash;

Matthias Urlichs  |  noris network GmbH   |   smurf at noris.de  |  ICQ: 20193661
The quote was selected randomly. Really.    |      http://www.noris.de/~smurf/
Alimony is paying for something you don't get.

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