Snapshot 1.0.4f & Klima/Rosa tests

Steve Beach Steve Beach <>
Wed Mar 28 00:12:03 2001

Hash: SHA1

Dear Sirs and Mesdames;

Thanks Werner for putting out a new snapshot.  It works for me, no
problems with the compile and/or function.

I'm a little bit paranoid about the Klima/Rosa attack.  Examining the
source code, it doesn't appear that there has been any change in the
verification of the secret keys in cipher/dsa.c or cipher/rsa.c.
Admittedly, each of these has one of the tests outlined by Klima/Rosa in
their paper, but why weren't the other ones added?  Florian had a patch to
do so, was there some reason it wasn't put in?  Am I missing something?


A. Stephen Beach

Penn State University Experimental Particle Astrophysics
104 Davey Lab, University Park, PA  16802,

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| Can't keep my mind from the circling sky |
| Tongue tied and twisted, just an earth bound misfit, I |
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