gpgme: gpgme_data_read() in 0.3.x and 0.4.x branches

Jann Fischer rezine at
Mon May 5 13:17:13 CEST 2003

On Sun, 4 May 2003 17:25:36 +0200
Marcus Brinkmann <Marcus.Brinkmann at> wrote:

> 2. Use gpgme_seek.  You can seek to the end of the data, and the return
> value is the offset (use SEEK_END and 0).  Then you have to seek back to the
> beginning and read the data.  This will work for all file based and memory
> based data objects, and possibly for user implemented objects if they
> provide the seek function.

Thanks, this works perfectly.
> 3. I could add a gpgme_stat function that provides more information about
> the underlying object.  I was thinking about that anyway.

Sure a nice to have.

Thanks for your answers,
Be careful who you follow.
0x6D839821 | FA8C 3663 9906 D8C3 AC16  F7C4 66E0 F351 6D83 9821
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