why do not "gpgme-1.1.4/tests/gpg/t-decrypt.c" and "gpgme-1.1.4/tests/gpg/t-encrypt.c" working?

Metin KAYA kayameti at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 08:15:11 CET 2008

2008/2/20, Marcus Brinkmann <marcus.brinkmann at ruhr-uni-bochum.de>:
> Hi,
> please don't cross-post.  Replying to only gnupg-devel:
> At Tue, 19 Feb 2008 23:25:41 +0200,
> "Metin KAYA" <kayameti at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > [1  <multipart/alternative (7bit)>]
> > [1.1  <text/plain; ISO-8859-1 (7bit)>]
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm new user of gpgme. I installed gpgme-1.1.4 and studied examples of
> it.
> > But when I try to run t-decrypt and t-encrypt binaries, they give this
> > error:
> >
> > # ./t-encrypt
> > t-encrypt.c:60: GPGME: End of file
> >
> > # ./t-decrypt
> > t-decrypt.c:64: GPGME: Decryption failed
> >
> > I'm using Fedora Core 8 ( and I want to use gpgme to
> > encrypt/decrypt and assign plain data. Can you help me? How can I
> > encrypt/decrypt/assign plain data via gpgme library functions?
> The included test suite comes with its own environment, which is
> provided by environment variables.  Try something like:
> GNUPGHOME=`pwd` srcdir=`pwd` ./t-encrypt

it works, thanks a lot.

Another question: In the file "t-encrypt-sign.c", why I could not alter the
strings (A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734,
D695676BDCEDCC2CDD6152BCFE180B1DA9E3B0B2)  of these functions? Are they
fixed values? If not so, how I can generate these strings?

  err = gpgme_get_key (ctx, "A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734",
&key[0], 0);
  err = gpgme_get_key (ctx, "D695676BDCEDCC2CDD6152BCFE180B1DA9E3B0B2",
&key[1], 0);

If you do a VPATH build, you need to adjust srcdir, of course.
> Thanks,
> Marcus

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