GnuPG support

Werner Koch wk at
Wed Nov 10 13:54:12 CET 2010


GnuPG features a new experimental tool called G13.  It is designed as a
key management tool for disc encryption.  The actual encryption is done
using a backend.  I hacked this tool about a year ago using EncFS as its
first backend.

Unfortunately I forgot that we need a patched version of EncFS to make
it work [1].  Now that I released GnuPG 2.1.0beta1, which announced the
existence of that tool, Daiki Ueno wanted to check it out and figured
that it does not work due to the missing support in EncFS.

The feature I added is the option  --annotate.  This option prints
additional strings like

 $PROMPT$ create_mount_point
 $PROMPT$ new_passwd
 $STATUS$ fuse_main_start

so that the controlling g13 tools knows what to do.  Using this
annotation is much easier and more robust than trying to parse the
strings EncFS usually prints.

I'd very much appreciate if you can merge this patch.  I attach the old
one for 1.5 and one for 1.7.3.



[1] It was for a lesser known prototype project which uses its own
    Debian repo.  Thus we all used a patched version for our tests.

Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
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