Why 2.1 is delayed for so long

Ximin Luo infinity0 at pwned.gg
Tue Sep 23 12:25:45 CEST 2014

On 23/09/14 07:38, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Sep 2014 21:23, infinity0 at pwned.gg said:
>> If this said directly "the Texinfo manual", I'm pretty confident I
>> would have found it by myself. "GnuPG manual" doesn't immediately
>> bring Texinfo to mind.
> texinfo is just the source format.  Most don't read that but the HTML,
> PDF, or INFO versions.  Thus "Manual".  Having the PDF installed or at
> least a more prominent pointer to the online version in the
> README.Debian may be useful.

The main point is that you should fix the double-redirect from man page -> DETAILS -> "Manual".

You can word it better than I did, to make the point that the manual is also available different formats. At the bottom of the man page, it already mentions the "Texinfo manual" and "`info gnupg`", so perhaps you can point to that.

It's not clear that "GnuPG manual" refers to a system-installed document, when the system already has man pages.



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