Encrypting and wiping

Brian Minton minton@csc.smsu.edu
Sat Feb 10 03:39:04 2001

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 10:17:00AM -0500, Robert Krueger wrote:

> If I am to use this from time to time at work to encrypt documents, I
> would like it to do three simple tasks
> 1. Encrypt the document
> 2. Have the encrypted doument be the SAME name
> 3. Wipe the original file, like PGP does.
I am pretty sure that wiping is not in gnupg. (correct me if I'm wrong) I would reccomend that you look into wipe, available from http://wipe.sourceforge.net/ and you could write a simple shell script to automate this task: #!/bin/sh gpg -a -r SomeRecipient@somehost.com -o $1.asc --encrypt $1 wipe $1 mv $1.asc $1 - -- Brian Minton minton@csc.smsu.edu Caution: in case of rapture, this computer will be unoccupied! PGP 0xE177AFF0 fingerprint AB94 E395 78CE 0967 2542 A7B3 178C 3E66 E177 AFF0 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE6g0qFp0PPDCS0QgIRAuHWAKCUa7cZTPRX7IouUBBCrIsT2CZxFwCeNHUE CpLF9uXAu4XXG1dr7YxS4Pg= =vgRL -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----