Options to revoke a key

Atom 'Smasher' atom-gpg at suspicious.org
Mon Oct 27 10:34:30 CET 2003

> I thaugt of using a dictonary file (filled with the fragments that I still remember
> and other common words).
> The only missing part is that I don't know how to really accomplish the "cracking" task.
> Running gpg --edit-key <keyid> and revoking the key where I am prompted for the
> passphrase is not that practicable to put in a loop and try every combination
> based of my custom dictonary....

a proper cracking app will bypass gpg, and work directly with your keyring
(or an exported key?). after you crack it, you can then access it, so a
revocation may not be necessary, if you choose to just write down and/or
change the password.


PGP key - http://smasher.suspicious.org/pgp.txt
3EBE 2810 30AE 601D 54B2 4A90 9C28 0BBF 3D7D 41E3

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	 If you hold out too long you could
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