can receive, but not send, encrypted e-mail

Carl William Spitzer IV cwsiv at
Thu Dec 2 23:19:42 CET 2004

On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 13:30, Roger E. Rustad, Jr. wrote:
> I just recently installed Enigmail/GnuPG on Thunderbird/Windows 2000.
> I can receive encrypted mail from people, but I can't send out encrypted 
> e-mail.  When I check the "encrypted" option, it still sends it out in 
> lear text.  Not sure what I might be doing wrong...

Since no one else has answered Ill take a wack at the problem.

first are you trying for inline or attached signatures?  Inline being
the more universal hence my use of kgpg in kde when I need encryption.

Can you encrypt messages with the Enigmail front end if you cut and
paste into its editor?

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