OpenLDAP schema to store OpenPGP keys?

Peter Palfrader peter at
Sun Feb 19 18:41:09 CET 2006

Walter Haidinger schrieb am Sonntag, dem 19. Feber 2006:

> Peter Palfrader schrieb:
> >
> Thanks! One question, though: Where is this schema from?
> Is it the "new" one the GnuPG announcement was talking about or
> is it a schema shipped with with a commercial(?) keyserver?

It's from some version of PGP Universal, I think.  And yes, it's the
new thing the announcement was mentioning.

 PGP signed and encrypted  |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
    messages preferred.    | : :' :      The  universal
                           | `. `'      Operating System |   `-

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