Error with encrypting: unusable public key

Olaf Gellert olaf.gellert at
Fri Mar 2 09:41:18 CET 2007

Hi all,

I keep getting an error trying to encrypt to the key
0xCC21E10F. The key is self-signed, gpg --check-sigs
does not complain, but still when I try to encrypt
I get:

gpg: 0xCC21E10F: skipped: unusable public key

I am using gpg 1.4.5 on a Linux box (SuSE 10.2).
Could this be a matter of algorithms? The key is
available on the keyservers. Thanks for help,



Dipl.Inform. Olaf Gellert                   INTRUSION-LAB.NET
Senior Researcher,            
PKI - and IDS - Services        olaf.gellert at

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