Error: this may be caused by a missing self-signature

David Shaw dshaw at
Thu Nov 29 15:50:19 CET 2007

On Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 06:15:33PM +0800, zoeyyl.hung at wrote:
> Dear support,
> There is an error "this may be caused by a missing self-signature" when
> partner sides import my public key?
> They are using currently using gpg 1.4.7 under Windows Server 2003, my
> questions are:
> 1) why causes the error?

Your key is probably missing a self-signature.

> 2) Is it because they are using windows server 2003? can windows server
> 2003 works smoothly for gpg? as I see the supported systems exclude
> that...Pls advise, thank you.

This has nothing to do with the operating system they are running.
The error is on your side, not theirs.

What OpenPGP programs are you using currently, and what program did
you use to generate your key?


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