OpenPGP card stopped working

Sven Radde email at
Mon Mar 10 09:22:35 CET 2008


Michael Kesper schrieb:
> pcscd sometimes gives trouble, for example when you try to create keys on the
> card.
No problem with that, I created my keys off-card and then moved them.
I thought this would be the easiest way to have a backup key ready if 
the card breaks.
>  For best effect try this howto:
This is pretty much what I did to get it working originally. As far as I 
can tell, everything is still in place (all packages are there, the udev 
files, too, and I'm in group scard, to summarize it).
I used the howto at but it is essentially the same (the one at has a broken link to the gnupg-ccid file but I figured that 
out quick enough at the time).

cu, Sven

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