The number of lines of a key opened in a text-editor

Kaori Ari arikaori at
Wed Dec 16 03:25:45 CET 2009

Thank you Robert, "byte" or "bit" difference is essential for me. I also
attach importance to such things. Have a nice coffee drink :)

Thank you Olav, I've dumped the text and seen that all Debian maintainers (I
guess theirs) had signed it (about 130 signs). I've got the point. I've
tried to add an extra email address to my key and it increased one more line
in the text.

Thank you Daniel, but at first I couldn't manage the command. After a while,
instead of it, I try

gpg --list-packets abc.asc > example.cert.

(greater sign ">")

By the way I've just noticed that Gnu Privacy Assistant (gpa) GUI lists all
the signatures on the public key.

Best regards,
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