decrypt adding ^M characters at the end of each line

David Shaw dshaw at
Tue Aug 2 18:55:35 CEST 2011

On Aug 2, 2011, at 12:17 PM, Randy Braun wrote:

> I have that very question out to the vendor to see what platform the file
> was created on prior to encrypting it.
> I have seen this same behavior with ftp when you go from windows to unix or
> vice versa when you don't use binary mode.
> I guess I as wondering if there is some sort of switch I can use with pgp
> to strip out the ^M? I know I could cat the output file to sed and strip
> out the ^M but I was hoping there was something in gpg that would do this.

There is just textmode, which is something the sender sets.  On the recipient side, GPG follows the encoding inside the message.  If that message is not textmode (i.e. no transformation) then GPG won't touch the content, so you need to break out the sed.


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