Using GPG for reading email in VPS

SK sk.list at
Fri Jul 26 11:33:54 CEST 2013


I am considering uploading my keyring to a VPS I own to read emails in it
using mutt. So far I used to do this in my local desktop/laptop but "cloud"
VPS provides some flexibility that I like.

In such a context does anybody have any opinion on the security of the
setup? My worry is that by uploading my private key to the VPS I am
weakening the first line of defense - physical access to the private key. I
do realise that a secure passphrase is the ultimate defense but what about
access to the private key itself?

In this context is there any best practices? I was thinking creating a new
signing subkey and removing the master private key from keyring that I want
to upload to the VPS. That way I might limit the damage to the subkey alone
while keeping the master key a bit more secure?

Any thoughts?

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