Quotes from GPG users

Sam Tuke samtuke at gnupg.org
Tue Nov 5 16:40:36 CET 2013

> Feel free to use any of my public comments on the topic, either on my
> blog or on Twitter.

Those are great resources I hadn't seen before, thanks for the links!

What do you think about these two? I had a hard time finding quotes from your
articles that fit into 130 chars, so I reworded them:

"GnuPG provides encrypted email and file encryption...this technology is an
integral part of the survival skills of the digital age"

"Scalps have been claimed in Australian politics due to forged emails, yet GPG
has been able to prevent this for years"

> If you make a hashtag for this topic, let me know so I can point my
> fellow Pirates at it all.  We've got some very good people on our
> social media team.

Great - I am planning to use one, and I'll keep you posted.


Sam Tuke
Campaign Manager
Gnu Privacy Guard
0044 78680 77871

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