gpg 2.1.6 toggle doesn't

Marko Božiković bozho at
Tue Jul 28 15:58:04 CEST 2015

On 28/07/2015 14:34, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Jul 2015 12:46, bozho at said:
>> I know that, and I'm using 2.1 exclusively... Still, it would be nice to be
>> able to see the state of private keys (e.g. primary key not present in the
>> keyring, private keys are on the card, etc) while editing keys. It seems
> Right, that makes sense.  As of now you only see "Secret key is
> available" if any secret key is availabale but you won't see any
> indication which subkey also has a secret key.
> What about using  pub/sec or sub/ssb depending on whether a secret key
> is available?

Yes, that would be good.

When we're talking about private keys "not being there", is there a difference
between a private key that has been deleted from your own keypair and a
private key that's never been there (i.e. you only have someone else's public

Also, the indicator that the private key is present on the card (> in the gpg
-K output) would be useful in gpg --edit-key output.

Thank you,

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