Most secure GPG combination for Mac OSX

Andrew Luke Nesbit email at
Thu Nov 8 07:50:03 CET 2018

Please excuse any previous attempt at posting this, which was sent
"From: " the wrong address.

On 07/11/2018 20:50, Robert J. Hansen wrote:

> GPGTools has some problems in that they can't see the source for, and as a result they've sometimes been slower to patch things
than Enigmail.  Enigmail has excellent relations with Thunderbird, which
really helps when there's a serious bug which needs addressing.

So I may confirm my understanding...

-   Enigmail and GPGTools are orthogonal components re: Thunderbird.
Enigmail is something like the interface to the underlying GPG
implementation.  In many cases on Mac OS X, including mine, this
underlying implementation is indeed GPGTools (which I use not only for
Thunderbird but for most/all OpenPGP operations).

-   Also, you are not suggesting that the choice is Enigmail vs
GPGTools.  But rather that they have different levels of specificity re:
and integration into Thunderbird.

Are these notions correct?  Thanks!!

Kind regards,

OpenPGP key: EB28 0338 28B7 19DA DAB0  B193 D21D 996E 883B E5B9

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