Using libgcrypt and a library using it

Jean-Philippe Garcia Ballester giga at
Sun Jan 15 13:45:13 CET 2006

  Hello !
  We're using libgcrypt in a library that uses secure memory. We have a 
problem when a program that uses our library also uses libgcrypt.
  We're checking if libgcrypt has already been initialized, so that we don't 
initialize it again in the library. But what if it has already been 
initalized without secure memory?
  Is there something in gcry_control to check that, and the amount of secure 
memory (the documentation to gcry_control is either hard to find or 
inexistant)? Is there a solution to this problem other than saying to our 
users "if you use libgcrypt, please initialize that amount of secure memory"?

Jean-Philippe Garcia Ballester
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