hex conversion

Max maxim.suraev at campus.tu-berlin.de
Sun Dec 21 11:43:01 CET 2014

20.12.2014 18:58, Werner Koch пишет:
> If you need an MPI, you can do that with
>   gcry_error_t err;
>   gcry_mpi_t n;
>   char string[] = "abcdef010203040506070809";
>   err = gcry_mpi_scan (&n, GCRYMPI_FMT_HEX, string, 0, 0);
>   if (err) 
>     print_error ();
> gcry_mpi_print and gcry_mpi_aprint can be used to print in hex format.
> S-expressions also have an hex format  "(#abcdef010203040506070809)" and
> the s-expressions scanning fucntions support that.  For everything elese
> you need to do it of your own (look at gnupg/common/convert.c).

Thank you for explanation. Although just duplicating code feels wrong - is there some
library I could link against?


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