[PATCH] Poly1305-AEAD: update to match latest Internet-Draft version

Jussi Kivilinna jussi.kivilinna at iki.fi
Sun Jun 29 13:18:35 CEST 2014

On 23.06.2014 19:50, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Jun 2014 18:01, jussi.kivilinna at iki.fi said:
>> places, so it might be good idea to support both the old Poly1305-AEAD
>> and the new. But what would be the best way to select between the two
>> Poly1305-AEAD modes?
> We had the same probloem with the TIGER algorithm.  Eventually we ended
> up with 3 algorithm ids to support all variants and implementation bugs.
> Thus what about:
>     GCRY_MAC_POLY1305X          = 501,
>     GCRY_MAC_POLY1305X_AES      = 502,
>     GCRY_MAC_POLY1305X_CAMELLIA = 503,
>     GCRY_MAC_POLY1305X_TWOFISH  = 504,
>     GCRY_MAC_POLY1305X_SERPENT  = 505,
>     GCRY_MAC_POLY1305X_SEED     = 506,
>     GCRY_MAC_POLY1305           = 511,
>     GCRY_MAC_POLY1305_AES       = 512,
>     GCRY_MAC_POLY1305_CAMELLIA  = 513,
>     GCRY_MAC_POLY1305_TWOFISH   = 514,
>     GCRY_MAC_POLY1305_SERPENT   = 515,
>     GCRY_MAC_POLY1305_SEED      = 516
> or maybe better "OLD" instead of "X".


Currently the MAC algorithm has not changed, so we'd be looking at cipher modes:
	GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_POLY1305 = 11,  /* or ..._POLY1305RFC */

Maybe it's better to wait for the actually RFC before adding new algorithm.


> Salam-Shalom,
>    Werner

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