Fault attacks on RSA in libgcrypt

Stephan Mueller smueller at chronox.de
Tue Aug 23 07:54:22 CEST 2016

Am Montag, 22. August 2016, 19:42:42 CEST schrieb Jeff Burdges:

Hi Jeff,

> Dear gcrypt-devel,
> I implemented the protection against fault attacks recommended in
> "Making RSA-PSS Provably Secure Against Non-Random Faults" by Gilles
> Barthe, François Dupressoir, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Benjamin Grégoire,
> Mehdi Tibouchi and Jean-Christophe Zapalowicz.
>   https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/252
> It worries that a targeted fault attack could subvert the conditional
> currently used to protect against fault attacks.

May I ask why that patch is limited to rsa_sign? Shouldn't the decrypt part 
also be covered with a similar logic considering that it also operates with 
the private key?


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