[PATCH 1/2] GCM: Add bulk processing for ARMv8/AArch32 implementation

Jussi Kivilinna jussi.kivilinna at iki.fi
Sun Oct 9 17:13:56 CEST 2016

* cipher/cipher-gcm-armv8-aarch32-ce.S: Add 4 blocks bulk processing.
* tests/basic.c (check_digests): Print correct data length for "?"
(check_one_mac): Add large 1000000 bytes tests, when input is "!" or
(check_mac): Add "?" tests vectors for HMAC, CMAC, GMAC and POLY1305.

Benchmark on Cortex-A53 (1152 Mhz):

                    |  nanosecs/byte   mebibytes/sec   cycles/byte
 GMAC_AES           |     0.924 ns/B    1032.2 MiB/s      1.06 c/B

After (1.21x faster):
                    |  nanosecs/byte   mebibytes/sec   cycles/byte
 GMAC_AES           |     0.764 ns/B    1248.2 MiB/s     0.880 c/B

Signed-off-by: Jussi Kivilinna <jussi.kivilinna at iki.fi>
 0 files changed

diff --git a/cipher/cipher-gcm-armv8-aarch32-ce.S b/cipher/cipher-gcm-armv8-aarch32-ce.S
index b879fb2..b61a787 100644
--- a/cipher/cipher-gcm-armv8-aarch32-ce.S
+++ b/cipher/cipher-gcm-armv8-aarch32-ce.S
@@ -57,69 +57,125 @@ gcry_gcm_reduction_constant:
 #define rhash_l d0
 #define rhash_h d1
-#define rbuf q1
-#define rbuf_l d2
-#define rbuf_h d3
+#define rh1 q1
+#define rh1_l d2
+#define rh1_h d3
-#define rh0 q2
-#define rh0_l d4
-#define rh0_h d5
+#define rbuf q2
+#define rbuf_l d4
+#define rbuf_h d5
-#define rt0 q3
-#define rt0_l d6
-#define rt0_h d7
+#define rbuf1 q3
+#define rbuf1_l d6
+#define rbuf1_h d7
-#define rr0 q8
-#define rr0_l d16
-#define rr0_h d17
+#define rbuf2 q4
+#define rbuf2_l d8
+#define rbuf2_h d9
-#define rr1 q9
-#define rr1_l d18
-#define rr1_h d19
+#define rbuf3 q5
+#define rbuf3_l d10
+#define rbuf3_h d11
+#define rh2 q6
+#define rh2_l d12
+#define rh2_h d13
+#define rh3 q7
+#define rh3_l d14
+#define rh3_h d15
+#define rh4 q8
+#define rh4_l d16
+#define rh4_h d17
+#define rr2 q9
+#define rr2_l d18
+#define rr2_h d19
+#define rr3 q10
+#define rr3_l d20
+#define rr3_h d21
+#define rr0 q11
+#define rr0_l d22
+#define rr0_h d23
+#define rr1 q12
+#define rr1_l d24
+#define rr1_h d25
+#define rt0 q13
+#define rt0_l d26
+#define rt0_h d27
+#define rt1 q14
+#define rt1_l d28
+#define rt1_h d29
 #define rrconst q15
 #define rrconst_l d30
 #define rrconst_h d31
-#define ia rbuf_h
-#define ib rbuf_l
-#define oa rh0_l
-#define ob rh0_h
-#define co rrconst_l
-#define ma rrconst_h
 /* GHASH macros */
 /* See "Gouvêa, C. P. L. & López, J. Implementing GCM on ARMv8. Topics in
  * Cryptology — CT-RSA 2015" for details.
-/* Input: 'a' and 'b', Output: 'r0:r1' (low 128-bits in r0, high in r1) */
+/* Input: 'a' and 'b', Output: 'r0:r1' (low 128-bits in r0, high in r1)
+ *  Note: 'r1' may be 'a' or 'b', 'r0' must not be either 'a' or 'b'.
+ */
 #define PMUL_128x128(r0, r1, a, b, t, interleave_op) \
         veor t##_h, b##_l, b##_h; \
         veor t##_l, a##_l, a##_h; \
         vmull.p64 r0, a##_l, b##_l; \
         vmull.p64 r1, a##_h, b##_h; \
         vmull.p64 t, t##_h, t##_l; \
-        interleave_op(); \
+        interleave_op; \
         veor t, r0; \
         veor t, r1; \
         veor r0##_h, t##_l; \
         veor r1##_l, t##_h;
+/* Input: 'aA' and 'bA', Output: 'r0A:r1A' (low 128-bits in r0A, high in r1A)
+ *  Note: 'r1A' may be 'aA' or 'bA', 'r0A' must not be either 'aA' or 'bA'.
+ * Input: 'aB' and 'bB', Output: 'r0B:r1B' (low 128-bits in r0B, high in r1B)
+ *  Note: 'r1B' may be 'aB' or 'bB', 'r0B' must not be either 'aB' or 'bB'.
+ */
+#define PMUL_128x128_2(r0A, r1A, aA, bA, r0B, r1B, aB, bB, tA, tB, interleave_op) \
+        veor tA##_h, bA##_l, bA##_h; \
+        veor tA##_l, aA##_l, aA##_h; \
+          veor tB##_h, bB##_l, bB##_h; \
+          veor tB##_l, aB##_l, aB##_h; \
+        vmull.p64 r0A, aA##_l, bA##_l; \
+        vmull.p64 r1A, aA##_h, bA##_h; \
+        vmull.p64 tA, tA##_h, tA##_l; \
+          vmull.p64 r0B, aB##_l, bB##_l; \
+          vmull.p64 r1B, aB##_h, bB##_h; \
+          vmull.p64 tB, tB##_h, tB##_l; \
+        interleave_op; \
+        veor tA, r0A; \
+        veor tA, r1A; \
+          veor tB, r0B; \
+          veor tB, r1B; \
+        veor r0A##_h, tA##_l; \
+        veor r1A##_l, tA##_h; \
+          veor r0B##_h, tB##_l; \
+          veor r1B##_l, tB##_h; \
 /* Input: 'r0:r1', Output: 'a' */
 #define REDUCTION(a, r0, r1, rconst, t, interleave_op) \
         vmull.p64 t, r0##_l, rconst; \
         veor r0##_h, t##_l; \
         veor r1##_l, t##_h; \
-        interleave_op(); \
+        interleave_op; \
         vmull.p64 t, r0##_h, rconst; \
         veor r1, t; \
         veor a, r0, r1;
-#define _(...) /*_*/
-#define vrev_rbuf() vrev64.8 rbuf, rbuf;
-#define vext_rbuf() vext.8 rbuf, rbuf, rbuf, #8;
+#define _(...) __VA_ARGS__
+#define __ _()
 /* Other functional macros */
@@ -142,22 +198,128 @@ _gcry_ghash_armv8_ce_pmull:
    *    r3: nblocks
    *    %st+0: gcm_table
-  push {r4, lr}
+  push {r4-r6, lr}
   cmp r3, #0
   beq .Ldo_nothing
-  GET_DATA_POINTER(lr, .Lrconst64, r4)
+  GET_DATA_POINTER(r4, .Lrconst64, lr)
-  subs r3, r3, #1
   vld1.64 {rhash}, [r1]
-  vld1.64 {rh0}, [r0]
+  vld1.64 {rh1}, [r0]
   vrev64.8 rhash, rhash /* byte-swap */
-  vld1.64 {rrconst_h}, [lr]
+  vld1.64 {rrconst_h}, [r4]
   vext.8 rhash, rhash, rhash, #8
+  cmp r3, #4
+  blo .Less_than_4
+  /* Bulk processing of 4 blocks per loop iteration. */
+  ldr r5, [sp, #(4*4)];
+  add r6, r5, #32
+  vpush {q4-q7}
+  vld1.64 {rh2-rh3}, [r5]
+  vld1.64 {rh4}, [r6]
+  vld1.64 {rbuf-rbuf1}, [r2]!
+  sub r3, r3, #4
+  vld1.64 {rbuf2-rbuf3}, [r2]!
+  cmp r3, #4
+  vrev64.8 rbuf, rbuf /* byte-swap */
+  vrev64.8 rbuf1, rbuf1 /* byte-swap */
+  vrev64.8 rbuf2, rbuf2 /* byte-swap */
+  vrev64.8 rbuf3, rbuf3 /* byte-swap */
+  vext.8 rbuf, rbuf, rbuf, #8
+  vext.8 rbuf1, rbuf1, rbuf1, #8
+  vext.8 rbuf2, rbuf2, rbuf2, #8
+  vext.8 rbuf3, rbuf3, rbuf3, #8
+  veor rhash, rhash, rbuf /* in0 ^ hash */
+  blo .Lend_4
+  /* (in0 ^ hash) * H⁴ => rr2:rr3 */
+  /* (in1) * H³ => rr0:rr1 */
+  PMUL_128x128_2(rr0, rr1, rbuf1, rh3, rr2, rr3, rhash, rh4, rt1, rt0, __)
+  vld1.64 {rbuf-rbuf1}, [r2]!
+  sub r3, r3, #4
+  veor rr0, rr0, rr2
+  veor rr1, rr1, rr3
+  /* (in2) * H² => rr2:rr3 */
+  /* (in3) * H¹ => rhash:rbuf3 */
+  PMUL_128x128_2(rr2, rr3, rbuf2, rh2, rhash, rbuf3, rbuf3, rh1, rt0, rt1,
+                 _(vrev64.8 rbuf, rbuf))
+  vld1.64 {rbuf2}, [r2]!
+  vrev64.8 rbuf1, rbuf1
+  veor rr0, rr0, rr2
+  veor rr1, rr1, rr3
+  cmp r3, #4
+  vext.8 rbuf, rbuf, rbuf, #8
+  vext.8 rbuf1, rbuf1, rbuf1, #8
+  veor rr0, rr0, rhash
+  veor rr1, rr1, rbuf3
+  vld1.64 {rbuf3}, [r2]!
+  REDUCTION(rhash, rr0, rr1, rrconst_h, rt1,
+            _(vrev64.8 rbuf2, rbuf2;
+              vrev64.8 rbuf3, rbuf3))
+  vext.8 rbuf2, rbuf2, rbuf2, #8
+  vext.8 rbuf3, rbuf3, rbuf3, #8
+  veor rhash, rhash, rbuf /* in0 ^ hash */
+  bhs .Loop_4
+  /* (in0 ^ hash) * H⁴ => rr2:rr3 */
+  /* (in1) * H³ => rr0:rr1 */
+  PMUL_128x128_2(rr0, rr1, rbuf1, rh3, rr2, rr3, rhash, rh4, rt1, rt0, __)
+  /* (in2) * H² => rhash:rbuf */
+  /* (in3) * H¹ => rbuf1:rbuf2 */
+  PMUL_128x128_2(rhash, rbuf, rbuf2, rh2, rbuf1, rbuf2, rbuf3, rh1, rt0, rt1,
+                 _(veor rr0, rr0, rr2;
+                   veor rr1, rr1, rr3))
+  veor rr0, rr0, rhash
+  veor rr1, rr1, rbuf
+  veor rr0, rr0, rbuf1
+  veor rr1, rr1, rbuf2
+  REDUCTION(rhash, rr0, rr1, rrconst_h, rt1,
+            _(CLEAR_REG(rr2);
+              CLEAR_REG(rr3);
+              CLEAR_REG(rbuf1);
+              CLEAR_REG(rbuf2);
+              CLEAR_REG(rbuf3);
+              CLEAR_REG(rh2);
+              CLEAR_REG(rh3);
+              CLEAR_REG(rh4)))
+  vpop {q4-q7}
+  cmp r3, #0
+  beq .Ldone
+  /* Handle remaining blocks. */
   vld1.64 {rbuf}, [r2]!
+  subs r3, r3, #1
   vrev64.8 rbuf, rbuf /* byte-swap */
   vext.8 rbuf, rbuf, rbuf, #8
@@ -169,30 +331,29 @@ _gcry_ghash_armv8_ce_pmull:
   vld1.64 {rbuf}, [r2]!
   subs r3, r3, #1
-  PMUL_128x128(rr0, rr1, rh0, rhash, rt0, vrev_rbuf)
-  REDUCTION(rhash, rr0, rr1, rrconst_h, rt0, vext_rbuf)
+  PMUL_128x128(rr0, rr1, rhash, rh1, rt0, _(vrev64.8 rbuf, rbuf))
+  REDUCTION(rhash, rr0, rr1, rrconst_h, rt0, _(vext.8 rbuf, rbuf, rbuf, #8))
   veor rhash, rhash, rbuf
   bne .Loop
-  PMUL_128x128(rr0, rr1, rh0, rhash, rt0, _)
-  REDUCTION(rhash, rr0, rr1, rrconst_h, rt0, _)
+  PMUL_128x128(rr0, rr1, rhash, rh1, rt0, _(CLEAR_REG(rbuf)))
+  REDUCTION(rhash, rr0, rr1, rrconst_h, rt0, _(CLEAR_REG(rh1)))
-  CLEAR_REG(rr0)
   vrev64.8 rhash, rhash /* byte-swap */
-  CLEAR_REG(rbuf)
+  CLEAR_REG(rr0)
   vext.8 rhash, rhash, rhash, #8
-  CLEAR_REG(rh0)
+  CLEAR_REG(rt1)
   vst1.64 {rhash}, [r1]
   mov r0, #0
-  pop {r4, pc}
+  pop {r4-r6, pc}
 .size _gcry_ghash_armv8_ce_pmull,.-_gcry_ghash_armv8_ce_pmull;
@@ -208,28 +369,64 @@ _gcry_ghash_setup_armv8_ce_pmull:
    *	r1: gcm_table
-  push {r4, lr}
+  vpush {q4-q7}
-  GET_DATA_POINTER(r4, .Lrconst64, lr)
+  GET_DATA_POINTER(r2, .Lrconst64, r3)
+  vld1.64 {rrconst_h}, [r2]
+#define GCM_LSH_1(r_out, ia, ib, const_d, oa, ob, ma) \
+        /* H <<< 1 */ \
+        vshr.s64 ma, ib, #63; \
+        vshr.u64 oa, ib, #63; \
+        vshr.u64 ob, ia, #63; \
+        vand ma, const_d; \
+        vshl.u64 ib, ib, #1; \
+        vshl.u64 ia, ia, #1; \
+        vorr ob, ib; \
+        vorr oa, ia; \
+        veor ob, ma; \
+        vst1.64 {oa, ob}, [r_out]
+  vld1.64 {rhash}, [r0]
+  vrev64.8 rhash, rhash /* byte-swap */
+  vext.8 rhash, rhash, rhash, #8
+  vmov rbuf1, rhash
+  GCM_LSH_1(r0, rhash_l, rhash_h, rrconst_h, rh1_l, rh1_h, rt1_l) /* H<<<1 */
-  /* H <<< 1 */
-  vld1.64 {ib,ia}, [r0]
-  vld1.64 {co}, [r4]
-  vrev64.8 ib, ib;
-  vrev64.8 ia, ia;
-  vshr.s64 ma, ib, #63
-  vshr.u64 oa, ib, #63
-  vshr.u64 ob, ia, #63
-  vand ma, co
-  vshl.u64 ib, ib, #1
-  vshl.u64 ia, ia, #1
-  vorr ob, ib
-  vorr oa, ia
-  veor ob, ma
-  vst1.64 {oa, ob}, [r0]
-  pop {r4, pc}
+  /* H² */
+  PMUL_128x128(rr0, rr1, rbuf1, rh1, rt0, __)
+  REDUCTION(rh2, rr0, rr1, rrconst_h, rt0, __)
+  vmov rhash, rh2
+  GCM_LSH_1(r1, rh2_l, rh2_h, rrconst_h, rbuf1_l, rbuf1_h, rt1_l) /* H²<<<1 */
+  add r1, r1, #16
+  /* H³ */
+  PMUL_128x128(rr0, rr1, rhash, rh1, rt1, __)
+  REDUCTION(rh3, rr0, rr1, rrconst_h, rt1, __)
+  /* H⁴ */
+  PMUL_128x128(rr0, rr1, rhash, rbuf1, rt0, __)
+  REDUCTION(rh4, rr0, rr1, rrconst_h, rt0, __)
+  GCM_LSH_1(r1, rh3_l, rh3_h, rrconst_h, rt0_l, rt0_h, rt1_l) /* H³<<<1 */
+  add r1, r1, #16
+  GCM_LSH_1(r1, rh4_l, rh4_h, rrconst_h, rt0_l, rt0_h, rt1_l) /* H⁴<<<1 */
+  CLEAR_REG(rt0)
+  CLEAR_REG(rt1)
+  CLEAR_REG(rr1)
+  CLEAR_REG(rr0)
+  CLEAR_REG(rh1)
+  CLEAR_REG(rh2)
+  CLEAR_REG(rh3)
+  CLEAR_REG(rh4)
+  CLEAR_REG(rhash)
+  CLEAR_REG(rbuf1)
+  CLEAR_REG(rrconst)
+  vpop {q4-q7}
+  bx lr
 .size _gcry_ghash_setup_armv8_ce_pmull,.-_gcry_ghash_setup_armv8_ce_pmull;
diff --git a/tests/basic.c b/tests/basic.c
index 96fb4cb..e5a325b 100644
--- a/tests/basic.c
+++ b/tests/basic.c
@@ -6902,7 +6902,7 @@ check_digests (void)
 	fprintf (stderr, "  checking %s [%i] for length %d\n",
 		 gcry_md_algo_name (algos[i].md),
-                 !strcmp (algos[i].data, "!")?
+                 (!strcmp (algos[i].data, "!") || !strcmp (algos[i].data, "?"))?
                  1000000 : (int)strlen(algos[i].data));
       check_one_md (algos[i].md, algos[i].data,
@@ -7359,6 +7359,15 @@ check_one_mac (int algo, const char *data, int datalen,
   int i;
   gcry_error_t err = 0;
+  if (test_buffering)
+    {
+      if ((*data == '!' && !data[1]) ||
+          (*data == '?' && !data[1]))
+        {
+          return; /* Skip. */
+        }
+    }
   err = gcry_mac_open (&hd, algo, 0, NULL);
   if (err)
@@ -7416,7 +7425,60 @@ check_one_mac (int algo, const char *data, int datalen,
-      err = gcry_mac_write (hd, data, datalen);
+      if ((*data == '!' && !data[1]) || /* hash one million times a "a" */
+          (*data == '?' && !data[1]))   /* hash million byte data-set with byte pattern 0x00,0x01,0x02,... */
+        {
+          char aaa[1000];
+          size_t left = 1000 * 1000;
+          size_t startlen = 1;
+          size_t piecelen = startlen;
+          if (*data == '!')
+            memset (aaa, 'a', 1000);
+          /* Write in chuck with all sizes 1 to 1000 (500500 bytes)  */
+          for (i = 1; i <= 1000 && left > 0; i++)
+            {
+              piecelen = i;
+              if (piecelen > sizeof(aaa))
+                piecelen = sizeof(aaa);
+              if (piecelen > left)
+                piecelen = left;
+              if (*data == '?')
+                fillbuf_count(aaa, piecelen, 1000 * 1000 - left);
+              gcry_mac_write (hd, aaa, piecelen);
+              left -= piecelen;
+            }
+          /* Write in odd size chunks so that we test the buffering.  */
+          while (left > 0)
+            {
+              if (piecelen > sizeof(aaa))
+                piecelen = sizeof(aaa);
+              if (piecelen > left)
+                piecelen = left;
+              if (*data == '?')
+                fillbuf_count(aaa, piecelen, 1000 * 1000 - left);
+              gcry_mac_write (hd, aaa, piecelen);
+              left -= piecelen;
+              if (piecelen == sizeof(aaa))
+                piecelen = ++startlen;
+              else
+                piecelen = piecelen * 2 - ((piecelen != startlen) ? startlen : 0);
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          err = gcry_mac_write (hd, data, datalen);
+        }
       if (err)
         fail("algo %d, mac gcry_mac_write failed: %s\n", algo, gpg_strerror (err));
       if (err)
@@ -7426,8 +7488,6 @@ check_one_mac (int algo, const char *data, int datalen,
   err = gcry_mac_verify (hd, expect, maclen);
   if (err)
     fail("algo %d, mac gcry_mac_verify failed: %s\n", algo, gpg_strerror (err));
-  if (err)
-    goto out;
   macoutlen = maclen;
   err = gcry_mac_read (hd, p, &macoutlen);
@@ -7511,6 +7571,8 @@ check_mac (void)
         "\x6f\x63\x0f\xad\x67\xcd\xa0\xee\x1f\xb1\xf5\x62\xdb\x3a\xa5\x3e", },
+      { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_MD5, "?", "????????????????",
+        "\x7e\x28\xf8\x8e\xf4\x6c\x48\x30\xa2\x0c\xe3\xe1\x42\xd4\xb5\x6b" },
       { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA256, "what do ya want for nothing?", "Jefe",
         "\x00\x3f\x08\x9d\x27\x39\x83\x9d\xec\x58\xb9\x64\xec\x38\x43" },
@@ -7564,6 +7626,9 @@ check_mac (void)
         "\xbf\xdc\x63\x64\x4f\x07\x13\x93\x8a\x7f\x51\x53\x5c\x3a\x35\xe2" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA256, "?", "????????????????",
+        "\x1c\x0e\x57\xad\x4a\x02\xd2\x30\xce\x7e\xf8\x08\x23\x25\x71\x5e"
+        "\x16\x9b\x30\xca\xc3\xf4\x99\xc5\x1d\x4c\x25\x32\xa9\xf2\x15\x28" },
       { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA224, "what do ya want for nothing?", "Jefe",
         "\x8b\xbe\xa2\xa3\x9e\x61\x48\x00\x8f\xd0\x5e\x44" },
@@ -7617,6 +7682,9 @@ check_mac (void)
         "\x94\x67\x70\xdb\x9c\x2b\x95\xc9\xf6\xf5\x65\xd1" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA224, "?", "????????????????",
+        "\xc1\x88\xaf\xcf\xce\x51\xa2\x14\x3d\xc1\xaf\x93\xcc\x2b\xe9\x4d"
+        "\x39\x55\x90\x4c\x46\x70\xfc\xc2\x04\xcf\xab\xfa" },
       { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA384, "what do ya want for nothing?", "Jefe",
@@ -7676,6 +7744,10 @@ check_mac (void)
         "\xa6\x78\xcc\x31\xe7\x99\x17\x6d\x38\x60\xe6\x11\x0c\x46\x52\x3e" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA384, "?", "????????????????",
+        "\xe7\x96\x29\xa3\x40\x5f\x1e\x6e\x92\xa5\xdb\xa5\xc6\xe9\x60\xa8"
+        "\xf5\xd1\x6d\xcb\x10\xec\x30\x2f\x6b\x9c\x37\xe0\xea\xf1\x53\x28"
+        "\x08\x01\x9b\xe3\x4a\x43\xc6\xc2\x2b\x0c\xd9\x43\x64\x35\x25\x78" },
       { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA512, "what do ya want for nothing?", "Jefe",
@@ -7741,6 +7813,11 @@ check_mac (void)
         "\x13\x46\x76\xfb\x6d\xe0\x44\x60\x65\xc9\x74\x40\xfa\x8c\x6a\x58" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA512, "?", "????????????????",
+        "\xd4\x43\x61\xfa\x3d\x3d\x57\xd6\xac\xc3\x9f\x1c\x3d\xd9\x26\x84"
+        "\x1f\xfc\x4d\xf2\xbf\x78\x87\x72\x5e\x6c\x3e\x00\x6d\x39\x5f\xfa"
+        "\xd7\x3a\xf7\x83\xb7\xb5\x61\xbd\xfb\x33\xe0\x03\x97\xa7\x72\x79"
+        "\x66\x66\xbf\xbd\x44\xfa\x04\x01\x1b\xc1\x48\x1d\x9e\xde\x5b\x8e" },
       /* HMAC-SHA3 test vectors from
        * http://wolfgang-ehrhardt.de/hmac-sha3-testvectors.html */
       { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA3_224,
@@ -7904,6 +7981,21 @@ check_mac (void)
 	"\xb2\xee\x95\x20\x43\x62\x9b\xc9\xd5\xf3\x29\x8a\x41\xd0\x2c\x66" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA3_224, "?", "????????????????",
+        "\x80\x2b\x3c\x84\xfe\x3e\x01\x22\x14\xf8\xba\x74\x79\xfd\xb5\x02"
+	"\xea\x0c\x06\xa4\x7e\x01\xe3\x2c\xc7\x24\x89\xc3" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA3_256, "?", "????????????????",
+        "\x6c\x7c\x96\x5b\x19\xba\xcd\x61\x69\x8a\x2c\x7a\x2b\x96\xa1\xc3"
+	"\x33\xa0\x3c\x5d\x54\x87\x37\x60\xc8\x2f\xa2\xa6\x12\x38\x8d\x1b" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA3_384, "?", "????????????????",
+        "\xc0\x20\xd0\x9b\xa7\xb9\xd5\xb8\xa6\xa4\xba\x20\x55\xd9\x0b\x35"
+	"\x8b\xe0\xb7\xec\x1e\x9f\xe6\xb9\xbd\xd5\xe9\x9b\xfc\x0a\x11\x3a"
+	"\x15\x41\xed\xfd\xef\x30\x8d\x03\xb8\xca\x3a\xa8\xc7\x2d\x89\x32" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA3_512, "?", "????????????????",
+        "\xb4\xef\x24\xd2\x07\xa7\x01\xb3\xe1\x81\x11\x22\x93\x83\x64\xe0"
+	"\x5e\xad\x03\xb7\x43\x4f\x87\xa1\x14\x8e\x17\x8f\x2a\x97\x7d\xe8"
+	"\xbd\xb0\x37\x3b\x67\xb9\x97\x36\xa5\x82\x9b\xdc\x0d\xe4\x5a\x8c"
+	"\x5e\xda\xb5\xca\xea\xa9\xb4\x6e\xba\xca\x25\xc8\xbf\xa1\x0e\xb0" },
       /* CMAC AES and DES test vectors from
          tions/nistpubs/800-38B/Updated_CMAC_Examples.pdf */
@@ -7978,6 +8070,8 @@ check_mac (void)
         "\xe1\x99\x21\x90\x54\x9f\x6e\xd5\x69\x6a\x2c\x05\x6c\x31\x54\x10" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_CMAC_AES, "?", "????????????????????????????????",
+        "\x9f\x72\x73\x68\xb0\x49\x2e\xb1\x35\xa0\x1d\xf9\xa8\x0a\xf6\xee" },
       { GCRY_MAC_CMAC_3DES,
@@ -8022,6 +8116,8 @@ check_mac (void)
         "\x31\xb1\xe4\x31\xda\xbc\x4e\xb8" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_CMAC_3DES, "?", "????????????????????????",
+        "\xc1\x38\x13\xb2\x31\x8f\x3a\xdf" },
       /* CMAC Camellia test vectors from
          http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kato-ipsec-camellia-cmac96and128-05 */
@@ -8045,6 +8141,8 @@ check_mac (void)
         "\xc2\x69\x9a\x6e\xba\x55\xce\x9d\x93\x9a\x8a\x4e\x19\x46\x6e\xe9" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_CMAC_CAMELLIA, "?", "????????????????????????????????",
+        "\xba\x8a\x5a\x8d\xa7\x54\x26\x83\x3e\xb1\x20\xb5\x45\xd0\x9f\x4e" },
       /* http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cavp/documents/mac/gcmtestvectors.zip */
@@ -8081,6 +8179,8 @@ check_mac (void)
         "\x05\xad\x13\xa5\xe2\xc2\xab\x66\x7e\x1a\x6f\xbc" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_GMAC_AES, "?", "????????????????????????????????",
+        "\x84\x37\xc3\x42\xae\xf5\xd0\x40\xd3\x73\x90\xa9\x36\xed\x8a\x12" },
       /* from NaCl */
       { GCRY_MAC_POLY1305,
@@ -8250,6 +8350,8 @@ check_mac (void)
         "\x51\x54\xad\x0d\x2c\xb2\x6e\x01\x27\x4f\xc5\x11\x48\x49\x1f\x1b" },
+      { GCRY_MAC_POLY1305, "?", "????????????????????????????????",
+        "\xc3\x88\xce\x8a\x52\xd6\xe7\x21\x86\xfa\xaa\x5d\x2d\x16\xf9\xa3" },
       /* from http://cr.yp.to/mac/poly1305-20050329.pdf */
       { GCRY_MAC_POLY1305_AES,
@@ -8283,6 +8385,10 @@ check_mac (void)
         0, 32 },
+      { GCRY_MAC_POLY1305_AES, "?", "????????????????????????????????",
+        "\x9d\xeb\xb0\xcd\x24\x90\xd3\x9b\x47\x78\x37\x0a\x81\xf2\x83\x2a",
+        "\x61\xee\x09\x21\x8d\x29\xb0\xaa\xed\x7e\x15\x4a\x2c\x55\x09\xcc",
+        0, 32 },
       { 0 },
   int i;
@@ -8310,8 +8416,9 @@ check_mac (void)
 	fprintf (stderr,
                  "  checking %s [%i] for %d byte key and %d byte data\n",
 		 gcry_mac_algo_name (algos[i].algo),
-		 algos[i].algo,
-		 (int)strlen(algos[i].key), (int)strlen(algos[i].data));
+		 algos[i].algo, (int)strlen(algos[i].key),
+                 (!strcmp(algos[i].data, "!") || !strcmp(algos[i].data, "?"))
+                   ? 1000000 : (int)strlen(algos[i].data));
       klen = algos[i].klen ? algos[i].klen : strlen(algos[i].key);
       dlen = algos[i].dlen ? algos[i].dlen : strlen (algos[i].data);

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