Gnuk Mirae and Reproducible Procurement

NIIBE Yutaka gniibe at
Thu Aug 8 03:23:47 CEST 2024


I had a talk at Debconf24 in Busan, and I did valuable conversations
with our token users (not only Gnuk, but also other ones, including
proprietary Yubikey).  From ShenZhen friend, I got one token
implementation, named CanoKeys.  The website seems:

Debconf24's main venue was "Mirae" building.  Mirae means future.  So, I
named the next version of Gnuk as "Mirae".

After some discussions in Busan, my major idea for Gnuk Mirae is:

- minimize the implementation, to be bare crypto operations 
- moving code from the implementation on device side to host side

			*	*	*

I started Gnuk Mirae development with CH32V203 MCU.

Major social/technical difficulty for this stage would be "reproducible"
procurement for development environment.  If you have a good Chinese
contact, no problem.  However, using AliExpress/Taobao/etc. is a bit
difficult for foreign person.  At least for me, buying some parts/boards
is not always reproducible.

Thus, today, I'd like to share information for procurement.  I'm not
sure if it's effective for you, but it can give you some hints.

(1) The development board

    WCH Official Store
	2Pcs/Lot CH32V203 Evaluation Board low-power consumption
	small-medium capacity

This is a board with CH32V203G8R6 MCU.

CH32V203C8T6-EVT-R0 is also good.  I selected CH32V203G8R6 for now,
considering the possible my own handsoldering of the chip (It's easier
when it has less pins.  TSOP is a bit easier than QFP).

(2) The debugger
    WCH LinkE

    CNEWTEC Electronics Store
	WCH LinkE Online Download Debugger Support WCH RISC-V
        Architecture MCU/SWD Interface ARM Chip 1 Serial Port to USB Channel

This is a clone of WCH LinkE.  WCH LinkE mini (another clone) would also
work well (I don't use that yet).  I selected the clone, because
official ones are tend to change (to be newer versions of firmware).

(3) Jumper wires
	Jumper Wires

This is reproducible.  I use these juper wires to connect the board
to the debugger.  I also use them to connect LEDs on the board to
GPIO pins.

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