[git] GCRYPT - branch, compliant-ecc-keygen, created. libgcrypt-1.5.0-124-g296f38a

by Andrey cvs at cvs.gnupg.org
Fri May 10 00:05:09 CEST 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
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the project "The GNU crypto library".

The branch, compliant-ecc-keygen has been created
        at  296f38a2bd2e25788643a42e4881faed00884a40 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 296f38a2bd2e25788643a42e4881faed00884a40
Author: Andrey <andrey at brainhub.org>
Date:   Thu May 9 14:38:46 2013 -0700

    Generate ECC keys Q=(x,y) as compliant keys, enabling their compact representation as simply x.
    See http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jivsov-ecc-compact for the method description and security proof.
    This tweak doesn't change any format; it is only a preparation without any negative impact for future changes.

diff --git a/cipher/ecc.c b/cipher/ecc.c
index 34ed2c3..d56c1a8 100644
--- a/cipher/ecc.c
+++ b/cipher/ecc.c
@@ -569,19 +569,64 @@ generate_key (ECC_secret_key *sk, unsigned int nbits, const char *name,
   point_set (&sk->E.G, &E.G);
   sk->E.n = mpi_copy (E.n);
   point_init (&sk->Q);
-  point_set (&sk->Q, &Q);
-  sk->d    = mpi_copy (d);
+  /* We want the Q=(x,y) be a "compliant key" in terms of the http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jivsov-ecc-compact,
+   * which simply means that we choose either Q=(x,y) or -Q=(x,p-y) such that we end up with the min(y,p-y) as the y coordinate.
+   * Such a public key allows the most efficient compression: y can simply be dropped because we know that it's a minimum of the two
+   * possibilities without any loss of security.
+   */
+  {
+      gcry_mpi_t x, p_y, y, z = mpi_copy(mpi_const (MPI_C_ONE));
+      const unsigned int nbits = mpi_get_nbits (E.p);
+      x = mpi_new (nbits);
+      p_y = mpi_new (nbits);
+      y = mpi_new (nbits);
+      if (_gcry_mpi_ec_get_affine (x, y, &Q, ctx))
+        log_fatal ("ecgen: Failed to get affine coordinates for Q\n");
+      mpi_sub( p_y, E.p, y );	/* p_y = p-y */
+      if( mpi_cmp( p_y /*p-y*/, y ) < 0 )  {	/* is p-y < p ? */
+        log_mpidump ("ecgen p-y", p_y);
+        log_mpidump ("ecgen y  ", y);
+        log_debug   ("ecgen will replace y with p-y\n");
+        /* log_mpidump ("ecgen d before", d); */
+        /* we need to end up with -Q; this assures that new Q's y is the smallest one */
+        mpi_sub( sk->d, E.n, d );	/* d = order-d */
+        /* log_mpidump ("ecgen d after ", sk->d); */
+	gcry_mpi_point_set (&sk->Q, x, p_y/*p-y*/, z);	/* Q = -Q */
+        if (DBG_CIPHER)
+        {
+          log_debug   ("ecgen converted Q to a compliant point\n");
+        }
+       }
+      else  {
+        /* no change is needed exactly 50% of the time: just copy */
+        sk->d = mpi_copy (d);
+	point_set (&sk->Q, &Q);
+        if (DBG_CIPHER)
+        {
+          log_debug   ("ecgen didn't need to convert Q to a compliant point\n");
+        }
+      }
+      mpi_free (x);
+      mpi_free (p_y);
+      mpi_free (y);
+      mpi_free (z);
+  }
   /* We also return copies of G and Q in affine coordinates if
      requested.  */
   if (g_x && g_y)
       if (_gcry_mpi_ec_get_affine (g_x, g_y, &sk->E.G, ctx))
-        log_fatal ("ecgen: Failed to get affine coordinates\n");
+        log_fatal ("ecgen: Failed to get affine coordinates for G\n");
   if (q_x && q_y)
       if (_gcry_mpi_ec_get_affine (q_x, q_y, &sk->Q, ctx))
-        log_fatal ("ecgen: Failed to get affine coordinates\n");
+        log_fatal ("ecgen: Failed to get affine coordinates for Q\n");
   _gcry_mpi_ec_free (ctx);


The GNU crypto library

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