[git] GPGME - branch, ben/gpygme, created. gpgme-1.5.5-5-g881a57f

by Ben McGinnes cvs at cvs.gnupg.org
Wed Jun 24 11:20:39 CEST 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "GnuPG Made Easy".

The branch, ben/gpygme has been created
        at  881a57f8c766e8d0600151456d11c9759162f5b1 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 881a57f8c766e8d0600151456d11c9759162f5b1
Author: Ben McGinnes <ben at adversary.org>
Date:   Wed Jun 24 19:18:21 2015 +1000

    Added FAQ
    * Addresses some licensing issues.
    * Addresses any possible concerns pertaining to export of dual use
      technology from Australia.

diff --git a/lang/gpygme/docs/FAQ.rst b/lang/gpygme/docs/FAQ.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbad050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/gpygme/docs/FAQ.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Frequently Asked‡ Questions
+‡ At this stage these are more like Frequently Anticipated Questions.
+Using the Project
+**1. Why implement an interactive codebase?**
+For good or ill, modern application development has turned to many web based technologies.  As a result there are many more developers who no longer use or know languages like C.  Consequently complete APIs like GPGME are not available to them when they may very well need it or benefit greatly from it.  Rather than continuing existing systems which utilise wrappers calling command line programs (e.g. `python-gnupg <https://bitbucket.org/vinay.sajip/python-gnupg>`_), it is best to provide access to GPGME in a manner which can be safely used by newer developers.
+**2. Won't that create bottlenecks or performance issues?**
+It might, but chances are these will be negligible for most implementations.  Projects which truly needs greater optimisation should consider utilising the GPGME C code directly.
+**3. I want (or need) to use a proprietary licence with my project, can I use this?**
+Yes, when interacting with GPyGME as a stand alone API it is much the same as using any external API.  That is, your code is simply communicating with another system and not integrating that system into your own code.  Only when implementing your project in Python and importing the API as a module or library would your code then become subject to the LGPL 2.1+ (which might be fine anyway, consult with a lawyer for issues pertaining to your specific situation).
+International Treaties
+**1. The current author/maintainer is in Australia, won't that cause problems with ITAR and the Wassenaar Arrangement?**
+I'm not developing a cryptosystem or any encryption algorithms, I'm developing an API.  So I should not be affected one way or the other by the provisions of the `Defence Trade Control Act 2012 <http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/num_act/dtca2012207/>`_ (DTCA), particularly with the 2015 amendments which have been passed by the Australian Parliament.
+**2. What if you're wrong about that?**
+That seems somewhat unlikely.  The DSGL explicitly cites cryptography and encryption software as being in Part 2 of the `Defence Trade Cooperation Munitions List <http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/num_act/dtca2012207/s4.html#defense_trade_cooperation_munitions_list>`_, but neither GPGME nor GPyGME are encryption software directly.  Even GPGME simply provides a means of accessing what it refers to as encryption engines; currently the engines it supports are GnuPG and GpgSM.  As long as I do not develop any of these encryption engines my work is not affected by the provisions of Australia's export controls, no matter how backward or useless I might consider those controls to be.
+**3. In April 2016 the enforcement provisions of the DTCA come into force, could that change anything here?**
+If the Minister of Defence makes a specific announcement in Parliament naming me and this work as falling under the purview of the DTCA, then yes; otherwise no.
+The only other way it could happen is if the Defence definition of "public domain" changes or if exemptions based on something being in the public domain are removed.
+**4. What if that happens?**
+This is getting a bit ridiculous, but alright ... should any of those incredibly unlikely events actually occur I will be faced with the following options:
+- Capitulate immediately and cease maintaining the software.
+- Capitulate immediately and apply for a permit to continue maintaining the software.
+- Ignore the decision and fight it in Court (which would be hideously expensive, but interesting).
+- Leave Australia.
+As far as I'm concerned the only really viable options in that scenario would be to either leave the project or to leave my country.  In all likelihood this would be a permanent departure in either case.
+**5. Which of those would you do?**
+I'm not a hundred percent sure, it would depend on whatever other factors were in play at such a time as it might occur.  If it were to happen now or I were in essentially the same position at such a time as I am now, then the most likely scenario is that I'd tell my government where to go; then emigrate to Europe somewhere.
+**6. Really?**
+Yes, really.  It wouldn't mean I'd never be able to visit Australia, it just means I'd never be able to work in Australia.  I would lose nothing and the Australian government would lose a tiny amount of income tax revenue.
+**7. What assurances can you give that questions 3 to 6 are just paranoia and everything will be fine?**
+The Department of Defence's `Defence Export Control Office <http://www.defence.gov.au/DECO/Default.asp>`_ (DECO) provides numerous resources to address concerns relating to this type of development.  Included in this is the `Defence and Strategic Goods List <https://dsgl.defence.gov.au/pages/home.aspx>`_ (DSGL) and its accompanying `Activity Questionnaire <https://dsgl.defence.gov.au/pages/questionnaire.aspx>`_ and `Online DSGL Search Tool <https://dsgl.defence.gov.au/pages/search.aspx>`_.
+I completed the questionaire using the following conservative assumptions: that this work is either or both of supply and publishing of software and technology; and that the entire project really is in the category of Part 2 of the DSGL as a dual-use technology.  Even though I am still pretty sure that only GPG itself and GpgSM would be placed in that category.  Maybe libassuan, dirmngr and pinentry would too.  Still, assuming that it all did, including GPGME and GPyGME, the results are clear that both supply and publication are fine.  The `definitions of supply and publishing <http://dfat.gov.au/international-relations/security/sanctions/sanctions-regimes/Pages/sanctions-regimes.aspx>`_, however, indicate that this work would likely only ever be considered publishing.
+The reason for this is that all the existing software on which this work is built is what Defence classifies as being in the public domain.  In this context that is not the same as the term is used for copyright and licensing, it means that the software and information is already freely available to anyone.  Thus it would be the same for all or almost all free (libre) and open source software.
+Only Australian cryptographers developing entirely new encryption algortithms are likely to be directly impacted by the provisions of the DCTA.  I am very much *not* in that category.  Furthermore, any algorithm added to the specifications for GPG would need to pass through an international selection process anyway, by which stage it would be exempt from these types of restrictions because it would already be in the public domain as far as Australia's Department of Defence is concerned.
+The results of my completed questionnaire are available `here <Australian_DCTA_export_DECO_Questionnaire_Results.pdf>`_ (PDF) and a GPG signature of the file is `here <Australian_DCTA_export_DECO_Questionnaire_Results.pdf.sig>`_.  The file is signed with my key (ID 0x321E4E2373590E5D).
+With regards to current sanctions by Australia against any entity as referenced in that document and available `here <http://dfat.gov.au/international-relations/security/sanctions/pages/sanctions.aspx>`_, my method of publication consists of uploading information to the GPG git server in Germany.  Germany is not currently a sanctioned country by Australia, nor are any of the involved companies sanctioned separately.  In fact, the only reference to Germany on Australia's list of sanctioned entities pertains to a number of individuals, mostly members of Al-Qaeda, currently serving time in German prisons or having been deported from Germany.  Additional details on those sanctions can be found `here <http://dfat.gov.au/international-relations/security/sanctions/Pages/consolidated-list.aspx>`_ and `here <http://dfat.gov.au/international-relations/security/sanctions/sanctions-regimes/Pages/sanctions-regimes.aspx>`_.

commit 6f2218989401f85bf315e285c752b5e1ac467cb3
Author: Ben McGinnes <ben at adversary.org>
Date:   Wed Jun 24 19:15:33 2015 +1000

    Dual Use export exemption
    * Document and GPG signature of same pertaining to exemption from the
      DCTA provisions in Australia.

diff --git a/lang/gpygme/docs/Australian_DCTA_export_DECO_Questionnaire_Results.pdf b/lang/gpygme/docs/Australian_DCTA_export_DECO_Questionnaire_Results.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6818d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/gpygme/docs/Australian_DCTA_export_DECO_Questionnaire_Results.pdf
@@ -0,0 +1,2264 @@
+3 0 obj
+<</Type /Page
+/Parent 1 0 R
+/Resources 2 0 R
+/MediaBox [0 0 595.28 841.89]
+/Contents 4 0 R>>
+4 0 obj
+<</Length 7859>>
+0.57 w
+0 G
+0.00 0.00 0.00 RG
+1.42 w
+q 188.50 0 0 53.86 70.87 678.90 cm /I0 Do Q
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+277.80 710.08 Td
+70.866 664.724 m 
+524.409 664.724 l
+70.866 76.535 m 
+524.409 76.535 l
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+184.25 65.20 Td
+(DECO - Ensuring Australia Exports Responsibly) Tj
+/F9 9 Tf
+10.35 TL
+0 g
+496.06 48.19 Td
+(Page 1) Tj
+/F9 9 Tf
+10.35 TL
+0 g
+70.87 48.19 Td
+(Report ID: 17780224395) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 630.71 Td
+(This report is issued by the Defence Export Control Office in response to your query in) Tj
+T* (the Online DSGL Tool. The assessment in this report is based on the information you) Tj
+T* (provided.) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 574.02 Td
+(Assessment of proposed activity) Tj
+82.20 569.76 141.73 -22.68 re
+223.94 569.76 289.13 -22.68 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 554.17 Td
+(Report ID:) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 554.17 Td
+(17780224395-1) Tj
+82.20 547.09 141.73 -22.68 re
+223.94 547.09 289.13 -22.68 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 531.50 Td
+(Produced at:) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 531.50 Td
+(June 24th 2015, 5:57:10 pm) Tj
+82.20 524.41 141.73 -22.68 re
+223.94 524.41 289.13 -22.68 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 508.82 Td
+(Your reference:) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 508.82 Td
+() Tj
+82.20 501.73 141.73 -22.68 re
+223.94 501.73 289.13 -22.68 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 486.14 Td
+(Activity Assessed:) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 486.14 Td
+(Supply) Tj
+82.20 479.06 141.73 -107.72 re
+223.94 479.06 289.13 -107.72 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 463.46 Td
+(Assessment of the) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 449.29 Td
+(answers you provided:) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 463.46 Td
+(Your ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+256.09 463.46 Td
+(activity ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+295.40 463.46 Td
+(is ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+306.53 463.46 Td
+(not ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+325.03 463.46 Td
+(controlled) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+379.71 463.46 Td
+(because ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+422.77 463.46 Td
+(there ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+449.86 463.46 Td
+(is ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+460.99 463.46 Td
+(an ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 449.29 Td
+(exemption ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+283.67 449.29 Td
+(for ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+300.72 449.29 Td
+(the ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+318.50 449.29 Td
+(supply ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+353.82 449.29 Td
+(of ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+366.88 449.29 Td
+(Part ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+389.25 449.29 Td
+(2 ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+398.32 449.29 Td
+(DSGL ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+432.79 449.29 Td
+(technology ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 435.12 Td
+(when ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+258.75 435.12 Td
+(that ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+279.92 435.12 Td
+(supply ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+315.24 435.12 Td
+(is ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+326.36 435.12 Td
+(preparatory ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+384.90 435.12 Td
+(to ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+397.36 435.12 Td
+(the ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+415.14 435.12 Td
+(DSGL ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+449.61 435.12 Td
+(technology ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 420.94 Td
+(being ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+259.48 420.94 Td
+(published.) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 398.27 Td
+(See ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+249.93 398.27 Td
+(section ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+287.18 398.27 Td
+(10\(3A\) ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+325.03 398.27 Td
+(of ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+338.09 398.27 Td
+(the ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+355.87 398.27 Td
+(Defence ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+398.93 398.27 Td
+(Trade ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+430.01 398.27 Td
+(Controls ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+474.64 398.27 Td
+(Act ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 384.09 Td
+(2012) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+253.80 384.09 Td
+(.) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 344.41 Td
+(DECO ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+118.00 344.41 Td
+(advises ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+156.59 344.41 Td
+(that ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+177.75 344.41 Td
+(you ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+198.92 344.41 Td
+(do ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+214.64 344.41 Td
+(not ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+234.35 344.41 Td
+(require ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+275.35 344.41 Td
+(a ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+284.42 344.41 Td
+(permit) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+321.69 344.41 Td
+(under ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+355.31 344.41 Td
+(Regulation ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+411.31 344.41 Td
+(13E ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.80 344.41 Td
+(of ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+446.86 344.41 Td
+(the ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+464.64 344.41 Td
+(Customs ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 330.24 Td
+(\(Prohibited ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+140.98 330.24 Td
+(Exports\) ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+185.61 330.24 Td
+(Regulations ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+246.45 330.24 Td
+(1958) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+273.75 330.24 Td
+(or ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+287.54 330.24 Td
+(under ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+318.02 330.24 Td
+(the ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+335.80 330.24 Td
+(Defence ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+378.86 330.24 Td
+(Trade ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+410.66 330.24 Td
+(Controls ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+456.02 330.24 Td
+(Act ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+475.13 330.24 Td
+(2012.) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 301.89 Td
+(You should note that the DSGL is updated annually and changes to the DSGL may result) Tj
+T* (in your items becoming subject to export controls administered by the Department of) Tj
+T* (Defence.) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 245.20 Td
+(Further information on export controls, can be found on the DECO website at) Tj
+T* (www.defence.gov.au/deco.) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 199.84 Td
+(Statement of the Questions and Answers) Tj
+82.20 195.59 345.83 -36.85 re
+428.03 195.59 85.04 -36.85 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 181.42 Td
+(Q1: Are you in Australia at the time you supply the "software" or) Tj
+T* ("technology"?) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.70 181.42 Td
+(Yes) Tj
+82.20 158.74 345.83 -36.85 re
+428.03 158.74 85.04 -36.85 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 144.57 Td
+(Q2: Are you supplying "software" or "technology" to a person or) Tj
+T* (entity outside Australia?) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.70 144.57 Td
+(Yes) Tj
+5 0 obj
+<</Type /Page
+/Parent 1 0 R
+/Resources 2 0 R
+/MediaBox [0 0 595.28 841.89]
+/Contents 6 0 R>>
+6 0 obj
+<</Length 2451>>
+0.57 w
+0 G
+q 188.50 0 0 53.86 70.87 678.90 cm /I0 Do Q
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+277.80 710.08 Td
+70.866 664.724 m 
+524.409 664.724 l
+70.866 76.535 m 
+524.409 76.535 l
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+184.25 65.20 Td
+(DECO - Ensuring Australia Exports Responsibly) Tj
+/F9 9 Tf
+10.35 TL
+0 g
+496.06 48.19 Td
+(Page 2) Tj
+/F9 9 Tf
+10.35 TL
+0 g
+70.87 48.19 Td
+(Report ID: 17780224395) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 626.46 Td
+(Statement of the Questions and Answers \(cont\)) Tj
+82.20 622.20 345.83 -22.68 re
+428.03 622.20 85.04 -22.68 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 608.03 Td
+(Q3: Are you communicating "software" or "technology" orally?) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.70 608.03 Td
+(No) Tj
+82.20 599.53 345.83 -36.85 re
+428.03 599.53 85.04 -36.85 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 585.35 Td
+(Q4: Are you a member of the "ADF", "APS", "ASIO", "ASIS" or) Tj
+T* ("Police" and supplying in the course of your duties?) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.70 585.35 Td
+(No) Tj
+82.20 562.68 345.83 -51.02 re
+428.03 562.68 85.04 -51.02 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 548.50 Td
+(Q5: Are you supplying to a member of the ADF, "APS", "ASIO",) Tj
+T* ("ASIS" or "Police" who receives the supply in the course of your) Tj
+T* (duties?) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.70 548.50 Td
+(No) Tj
+82.20 511.65 345.83 -51.02 re
+428.03 511.65 85.04 -51.02 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 497.48 Td
+(Q6: Are you a member of the Approved Community supplying) Tj
+T* ("software" or "technology" under the AUS-US Defence Trade) Tj
+T* (Cooperation Treaty?) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.70 497.48 Td
+(No) Tj
+82.20 460.63 345.83 -36.85 re
+428.03 460.63 85.04 -36.85 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 446.46 Td
+(Q7: Are you supplying "software" or "technology" that is listed in) Tj
+T* (Part 1 \(military\) or Part 2 \(dual-use\) of the DSGL?) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.70 446.46 Td
+(Part 2) Tj
+82.20 423.78 345.83 -22.68 re
+428.03 423.78 85.04 -22.68 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 409.61 Td
+(Q8: Are you supplying a draft of material you intend to publish?) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.70 409.61 Td
+(Yes) Tj
+7 0 obj
+<</Type /Page
+/Parent 1 0 R
+/Resources 2 0 R
+/MediaBox [0 0 595.28 841.89]
+/Contents 8 0 R>>
+8 0 obj
+<</Length 3740>>
+0.57 w
+0 G
+q 188.50 0 0 53.86 70.87 678.90 cm /I0 Do Q
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+277.80 710.08 Td
+70.866 664.724 m 
+524.409 664.724 l
+70.866 76.535 m 
+524.409 76.535 l
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+184.25 65.20 Td
+(DECO - Ensuring Australia Exports Responsibly) Tj
+/F9 9 Tf
+10.35 TL
+0 g
+496.06 48.19 Td
+(Page 3) Tj
+/F9 9 Tf
+10.35 TL
+0 g
+70.87 48.19 Td
+(Report ID: 17780224395) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 630.71 Td
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 585.35 Td
+(Weapons ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+132.76 585.35 Td
+(of ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+145.82 585.35 Td
+(Mass ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+175.09 585.35 Td
+(Destruction ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+236.41 585.35 Td
+(\(Prevention ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+297.61 585.35 Td
+(of ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+310.67 585.35 Td
+(Proliferation\) ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+382.15 585.35 Td
+(Act ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+401.86 585.35 Td
+(1995 ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+432.19 585.35 Td
+(\(the ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 571.18 Td
+(WMD ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+117.40 571.18 Td
+(Act\) ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+142.44 571.18 Td
+(and ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+164.81 571.18 Td
+(Military ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+210.77 571.18 Td
+(End-Use ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+257.82 571.18 Td
+(\(MEU\) ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+296.88 571.18 Td
+(Control) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 557.01 Td
+(If, at any time, you have reason to believe or suspect that your proposed activities will or) Tj
+T* (may be used in a weapons of mass destruction program, or may be intended for use in) Tj
+T* (military or paramilitary activities, you must advise DECO immediately and not proceed) Tj
+T* (with the activity without first discussing the reason for the belief or suspicion.) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 483.31 Td
+(Sanctions) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 469.13 Td
+(You are strongly advised to familiarise yourself with the Australian Government’s) Tj
+T* (implementation of sanctions against certain destinations and entities.  Information is) Tj
+T* (available on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade \(DFAT\) website at) Tj
+T* (www.dfat.gov.au/sanctions. If sanctions apply, you should seek advice from DFAT) Tj
+T* (before continuing with the proposed activity.) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 381.26 Td
+(Foreign Import Approval) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 367.09 Td
+(The government of each foreign country is responsible for import approval to that) Tj
+T* (country.  You are responsible for ensuring that any necessary approvals are) Tj
+T* (obtained and the issue of this advice does not in any way indicate whether such) Tj
+T* (approval may or may not be provided.) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 293.39 Td
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 279.21 Td
+(R1-1-A037) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 265.04 Td
+(PO BOX 7901) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 250.87 Td
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 228.19 Td
+(TEL: 1800 66 10 66) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 214.02 Td
+9 0 obj
+<</Type /Page
+/Parent 1 0 R
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+/MediaBox [0 0 595.28 841.89]
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+10 0 obj
+<</Length 7141>>
+0.57 w
+0 G
+q 188.50 0 0 53.86 70.87 678.90 cm /I0 Do Q
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+277.80 710.08 Td
+70.866 664.724 m 
+524.409 664.724 l
+70.866 76.535 m 
+524.409 76.535 l
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+184.25 65.20 Td
+(DECO - Ensuring Australia Exports Responsibly) Tj
+/F9 9 Tf
+10.35 TL
+0 g
+496.06 48.19 Td
+(Page 4) Tj
+/F9 9 Tf
+10.35 TL
+0 g
+70.87 48.19 Td
+(Report ID: 17780224395) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 630.71 Td
+(This report is issued by the Defence Export Control Office in response to your query in) Tj
+T* (the Online DSGL Tool. The assessment in this report is based on the information you) Tj
+T* (provided.) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 574.02 Td
+(Assessment of proposed activity) Tj
+82.20 569.76 141.73 -22.68 re
+223.94 569.76 289.13 -22.68 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 554.17 Td
+(Report ID:) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 554.17 Td
+(17780224395-2) Tj
+82.20 547.09 141.73 -22.68 re
+223.94 547.09 289.13 -22.68 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 531.50 Td
+(Produced at:) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 531.50 Td
+(June 24th 2015, 5:57:10 pm) Tj
+82.20 524.41 141.73 -22.68 re
+223.94 524.41 289.13 -22.68 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 508.82 Td
+(Your reference:) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 508.82 Td
+() Tj
+82.20 501.73 141.73 -22.68 re
+223.94 501.73 289.13 -22.68 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 486.14 Td
+(Activity Assessed:) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 486.14 Td
+(Publication) Tj
+82.20 479.06 141.73 -79.37 re
+223.94 479.06 289.13 -79.37 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 463.46 Td
+(Assessment of the) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 449.29 Td
+(answers you provided:) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 463.46 Td
+(Your ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+256.09 463.46 Td
+(activity ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+295.40 463.46 Td
+(is ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+306.53 463.46 Td
+(not ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+325.03 463.46 Td
+(controlled) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+379.71 463.46 Td
+(because ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+422.77 463.46 Td
+(the ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+440.55 463.46 Td
+(software ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+485.05 463.46 Td
+(or ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 449.29 Td
+(technology ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+286.33 449.29 Td
+(is ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+297.46 449.29 Td
+(already ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+335.92 449.29 Td
+(available ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+382.48 449.29 Td
+(to ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+394.94 449.29 Td
+(the ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+412.72 449.29 Td
+(public.) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 426.61 Td
+(See ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+249.93 426.61 Td
+(section ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+287.18 426.61 Td
+(14A\(2\) ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+325.03 426.61 Td
+(of ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+338.09 426.61 Td
+(the ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+355.87 426.61 Td
+(Defence ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+398.93 426.61 Td
+(Trade ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+430.01 426.61 Td
+(Controls ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+474.64 426.61 Td
+(Act ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+229.61 412.44 Td
+(2012) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+253.80 412.44 Td
+(.) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 372.76 Td
+(DECO ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+118.00 372.76 Td
+(advises ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+156.59 372.76 Td
+(that ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+177.75 372.76 Td
+(you ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+198.92 372.76 Td
+(do ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+214.64 372.76 Td
+(not ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+234.35 372.76 Td
+(require ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+275.35 372.76 Td
+(a ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+284.42 372.76 Td
+(permit) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+321.69 372.76 Td
+(under ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+355.31 372.76 Td
+(Regulation ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+411.31 372.76 Td
+(13E ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.80 372.76 Td
+(of ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+446.86 372.76 Td
+(the ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+464.64 372.76 Td
+(Customs ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 358.58 Td
+(\(Prohibited ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+140.98 358.58 Td
+(Exports\) ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+185.61 358.58 Td
+(Regulations ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+246.45 358.58 Td
+(1958) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+273.75 358.58 Td
+(or ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+287.54 358.58 Td
+(under ) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+318.02 358.58 Td
+(the ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+335.80 358.58 Td
+(Defence ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+378.86 358.58 Td
+(Trade ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+410.66 358.58 Td
+(Controls ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+456.02 358.58 Td
+(Act ) Tj
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+475.13 358.58 Td
+(2012.) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 330.24 Td
+(You should note that the DSGL is updated annually and changes to the DSGL may result) Tj
+T* (in your items becoming subject to export controls administered by the Department of) Tj
+T* (Defence.) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 273.54 Td
+(Further information on export controls, can be found on the DECO website at) Tj
+T* (www.defence.gov.au/deco.) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 228.19 Td
+(Statement of the Questions and Answers) Tj
+82.20 223.94 345.83 -22.68 re
+428.03 223.94 85.04 -22.68 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 209.76 Td
+(Q1: Are you in Australia at the time of the publication?) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.70 209.76 Td
+(Yes) Tj
+82.20 201.26 345.83 -36.85 re
+428.03 201.26 85.04 -36.85 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 187.09 Td
+(Q2: Are you placing "software" or "technology" in the public) Tj
+T* (domain?) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.70 187.09 Td
+(Yes) Tj
+82.20 164.41 345.83 -36.85 re
+428.03 164.41 85.04 -36.85 re
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+87.87 150.24 Td
+(Q3: Is the "software" or "technology" already "in the public) Tj
+T* (domain"?) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+433.70 150.24 Td
+(Yes) Tj
+11 0 obj
+<</Type /Page
+/Parent 1 0 R
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+/Contents 12 0 R>>
+12 0 obj
+<</Length 3740>>
+0.57 w
+0 G
+q 188.50 0 0 53.86 70.87 678.90 cm /I0 Do Q
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+277.80 710.08 Td
+70.866 664.724 m 
+524.409 664.724 l
+70.866 76.535 m 
+524.409 76.535 l
+/F11 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+184.25 65.20 Td
+(DECO - Ensuring Australia Exports Responsibly) Tj
+/F9 9 Tf
+10.35 TL
+0 g
+496.06 48.19 Td
+(Page 5) Tj
+/F9 9 Tf
+10.35 TL
+0 g
+70.87 48.19 Td
+(Report ID: 17780224395) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 630.71 Td
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 585.35 Td
+(Weapons ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+132.76 585.35 Td
+(of ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+145.82 585.35 Td
+(Mass ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+175.09 585.35 Td
+(Destruction ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+236.41 585.35 Td
+(\(Prevention ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+297.61 585.35 Td
+(of ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+310.67 585.35 Td
+(Proliferation\) ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+382.15 585.35 Td
+(Act ) Tj
+/F12 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+401.86 585.35 Td
+(1995 ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+432.19 585.35 Td
+(\(the ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 571.18 Td
+(WMD ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+117.40 571.18 Td
+(Act\) ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+142.44 571.18 Td
+(and ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+164.81 571.18 Td
+(Military ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+210.77 571.18 Td
+(End-Use ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+257.82 571.18 Td
+(\(MEU\) ) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+296.88 571.18 Td
+(Control) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 557.01 Td
+(If, at any time, you have reason to believe or suspect that your proposed activities will or) Tj
+T* (may be used in a weapons of mass destruction program, or may be intended for use in) Tj
+T* (military or paramilitary activities, you must advise DECO immediately and not proceed) Tj
+T* (with the activity without first discussing the reason for the belief or suspicion.) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 483.31 Td
+(Sanctions) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 469.13 Td
+(You are strongly advised to familiarise yourself with the Australian Government’s) Tj
+T* (implementation of sanctions against certain destinations and entities.  Information is) Tj
+T* (available on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade \(DFAT\) website at) Tj
+T* (www.dfat.gov.au/sanctions. If sanctions apply, you should seek advice from DFAT) Tj
+T* (before continuing with the proposed activity.) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 381.26 Td
+(Foreign Import Approval) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 367.09 Td
+(The government of each foreign country is responsible for import approval to that) Tj
+T* (country.  You are responsible for ensuring that any necessary approvals are) Tj
+T* (obtained and the issue of this advice does not in any way indicate whether such) Tj
+T* (approval may or may not be provided.) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 293.39 Td
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 279.21 Td
+(R1-1-A037) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 265.04 Td
+(PO BOX 7901) Tj
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 250.87 Td
+/F9 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 228.19 Td
+(TEL: 1800 66 10 66) Tj
+/F10 12 Tf
+13.799999999999999 TL
+0 g
+82.20 214.02 Td
+1 0 obj
+<</Type /Pages
+/Kids [3 0 R 5 0 R 7 0 R 9 0 R 11 0 R ]
+/Count 5
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+19 0 obj
+20 0 obj
+21 0 obj
+22 0 obj
+23 0 obj
+24 0 obj
+25 0 obj
+<</Type /XObject
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+/Filter /DCTDecode
+/Length 29858>>
+ÿØÿà JFIF  Ü Ü  ÿÛ C 

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commit 40348dad24932daac41a82d38cee4f59455a5bfc
Author: Ben McGinnes <ben at adversary.org>
Date:   Wed Jun 24 16:27:34 2015 +1000

    Added README
    * Initial project description and intended outcome.

diff --git a/lang/gpygme/docs/README.rst b/lang/gpygme/docs/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9228d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/gpygme/docs/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Project Goal
+Intended as both a replacement of the older PyME bindings for Python 2 and Python 3, though it will only be implemented in Python 3.  Some effort may be made to allow it to work as a module or series of modules in Python 2, but there are no guarantees.
+GPyGME is intended to be the official API for third party (i.e. non-C) languages and bindings.  While it should be able to be imported into any Python 3 code as a normal Python module or library, this is not the principal goal.  The real value is in providing an API for everyone by providing a pseudo-REST style API.  It is not actually a REST API because it is not purely web-based, though could be implemented that way (and almost certainly will be by many).
+GPyGME will accept and respond with JSON data types to provide a method of interaction with GPGME with which most, if not all, modern application developers are familiar.  Consequently the bindings ought to be usable by anyone for any purpose for which GPGME could meet the need.
+Project Name
+GPyGME, with the first "G" being silent is pronounced the same way as `pygme <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmy_peoples>`_.  It could be thought of as a diminutive form of GPGME with the ability to unlock just as much power.
+GPyGME utilises the LGPL 2.1+ license, the same as GPGME itself.  As it is built on GPGME this is a requirement.  Documentation will be covered by both the GPLv3+ as with the GPGME documentation and a Creative Commons license.
+Note that interacting with the GPyGME API as a stand alone interface (i.e. sending and receiving JSON data to it via a socket, command or other connection type) does not require conforming with either the GPL or LGPL licenses.  Only when importing or integrating this code into your own application does that become a requirement.
+GPyGME is written and maintained by `Ben McGinnes <mailto:ben at adversary.org>`_, but discussion ought to be conducted on the `gnupg-devel <https://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-devel>`_ mailing list.


GnuPG Made Easy

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