[git] gnupg-doc - branch, master, updated. 7fd7f497302b09fa2cd9712a4ef37fa31804a9b9

by Werner Koch cvs at cvs.gnupg.org
Tue May 2 09:47:07 CEST 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "The GnuPG website and other docs".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  7fd7f497302b09fa2cd9712a4ef37fa31804a9b9 (commit)
      from  7c3501ad6a01da2e7dbbc15da4eea9f5cf5de023 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 7fd7f497302b09fa2cd9712a4ef37fa31804a9b9
Author: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
Date:   Tue May 2 09:43:59 2017 +0200

    web: Update the list of donations

diff --git a/web/donate/kudos.org b/web/donate/kudos.org
index f8d3b1a..bc16540 100644
--- a/web/donate/kudos.org
+++ b/web/donate/kudos.org
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 * Donation Summary
-*** This year
+*** Individual donations this year
@@ -16,39 +16,56 @@
 *** Previous years
-| Year |    # |   \EUR | net \EUR |
-| <l>  |  <r> |    <r> |      <r> |
-| 2015 | 5846 | 295405 |   283537 |
-| 2014 |  801 |  34700 |    30305 |
-| 2013 |  148 |   5041 |     4145 |
-| 2012 |   53 |   5991 |     4963 |
-| 2011 |   21 |    553 |      465 |
-|      |      | 341690 |   323415 |
-#+TBLFM: $LR3=vsum(@I.. at II)::$LR4=vsum(@I.. at II)
+| Year |    # |  Indi. |  Corp. | Total \EUR |
+| <l>  |  <r> |    <r> |    <r> |        <r> |
+| 2016 |  271 |   9615 | 146759 |     156374 |
+| 2015 | 5847 | 205560 | 144262 |     337954 |
+| 2014 |  801 |  34700 |        |      30305 |
+| 2013 |  148 |  37682 |        |      31470 |
+| 2012 |   53 |   5991 |        |       4963 |
+| 2011 |   21 |    553 |        |        465 |
+|      |      | 351305 | 351305 |     323415 |
+#+TBLFM: $LR3=vsum(@I.. at II)::$LR4=vsum(@I.. at II)::$LR5=vsum(@I.. at II)
 #+HTML: <div id="smallnote">
-The "net" column gives the actual value without taxes and banking fees.\\
-#+HTML: </div>
-The [[https://gnupg.org/blog/20140512-rewards-sent.html][Goteo crowdfunding]] campaign raised an additional
-32641\thinsp\euro (27429 net) in December 2013.
-# Goteo transferred that money in March 2014 in 6 chunks:
-# 11423, 6000, 5000, 5000, 5218 = 32641
-# About 2014:
-# Some of the 801 donations from 2014 have been hold back by Stripe
-# over the end of the year and thus VAT was only payable in 2015.
-# That VAT is not included in the net amount for 2014.  The net amount
-# received from individual donations in 2014 have been 2525, 919, 541,
-# 26320 Euro per quarter.
-# About 2015:
-# | Individual Donations in 2015 | 5844 | 205560 | 193692 |
-# |      Facebook+Stripe in 2015 |    2 |  89845 |  89845 |
-# |------------------------------+------+--------+--------|
-# |                              | 5846 | 295405 | 283537 |
+/Indi./ lists individual donations, /Corp./ lists large corporate
+donations and grants, and /Total/ gives the net value without taxes
+and banking fees.  Note that this list has been updated on 2017-05-02
+to include the Linux Foundation grant.  The /Total/ for 2016 is
+About 2016:\\
+| Individual Donations | 268 |   9615 |        |
+| Facebook             |   1 |  44715 |  44715 |
+| Stripe               |   1 |  47824 |  47824 |
+| Linux Foundation     |   1 |  54220 |  54220 |
+|                      | 271 | 156374 | 146759 |
+About 2015:\\
+| Individual Donations | 5844 | 205560 | 193692 |
+| Facebook             |    1 |  44213 |  44213 |
+| Stripe               |    1 |  45633 |  45633 |
+| Linux Foundation     |    1 |  54416 |  54416 |
+|                      | 5847 | 349822 | 337954 |
+About 2014:\\
+Some of the 801 donations from 2014 have been hold back by Stripe
+over the end of the year and thus VAT was only payable in 2015.
+That VAT is not included in the net amount for 2014.  The net amount
+received from individual donations in 2014 have been 2525, 919, 541,
+26320 Euro per quarter.
+About 2013:\\
+The [[https://gnupg.org/blog/20140512-rewards-sent.html][Goteo crowdfunding]] campaign raised 32641 Euro (27429 net) in
+December 2013.  Goteo transferred that money in March 2014 in 6
+chunks: 11423, 6000, 5000, 5000, 5218.  The total amount is
+however listed for 2013 along with 148 individual donations of 5041
+Euro (4041 net) received before the start of the Goteo Campaign.
+#+HTML: </div>
 * List of Donors


Summary of changes:
 web/donate/kudos.org | 81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

The GnuPG website and other docs

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