[git] gnupg-doc - branch, master, updated. 591b60c8a8fb18eeebdacc7567461fa0ed4398a2

by Werner Koch cvs at cvs.gnupg.org
Sun Jun 10 17:09:19 CEST 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "The GnuPG website and other docs".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  591b60c8a8fb18eeebdacc7567461fa0ed4398a2 (commit)
      from  193c0ca9c47782e674df77eca999accb8de1a354 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 591b60c8a8fb18eeebdacc7567461fa0ed4398a2
Author: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
Date:   Sun Jun 10 17:00:48 2018 +0200

    donations: Add monthly statistics

diff --git a/web/donate/kudos.org b/web/donate/kudos.org
index 03f4810..59123a2 100644
--- a/web/donate/kudos.org
+++ b/web/donate/kudos.org
@@ -6,15 +6,52 @@
 * Donation Summary
-*** Individual donations this year
+*** Monthly donations stats since 2017
+This is a summary of individual donations since 2017.  After the
+campaign boost in June and July 2017 we can conclude that a majority
+of the received donations are reccurring (either monthly, quarterly or
+yearly).  The outlier in December 2017 is due to single large donation
+of 5000 Euro.
+ | Year | Mon | Total | SEPA | Stripe | Paypal | gSEPA | Fee |
+ |------+-----+-------+------+--------+--------+-------+-----|
+ | 2017 |  01 |  1771 |  271 |    136 |   1364 |   278 |   7 |
+ |      |  02 |   573 |   15 |    371 |    187 |    20 |   5 |
+ |      |  03 |   339 |  104 |      5 |    230 |   110 |   6 |
+ |      |  04 |  5407 | 4995 |    264 |    148 |  5000 |   5 |
+ |      |  05 |   587 |    5 |    509 |     73 |    10 |   5 |
+ |      |  06 | 29117 | 5291 |   9887 |  13939 |  5351 |  60 |
+ |      |  07 | 14594 | 2356 |   5776 |   6462 |  2410 |  54 |
+ |      |  08 |  6905 | 1466 |   2319 |   3120 |  1509 |  43 |
+ |      |  09 |  7617 | 1214 |   3105 |   3298 |  1257 |  43 |
+ |      |  10 |  6051 | 1182 |   2514 |   2355 |  1227 |  45 |
+ |      |  11 |  5426 |  884 |   2405 |   2137 |   920 |  36 |
+ |      |  12 | 12003 | 1392 |   3047 |   7564 |  1437 |  45 |
+ | 2018 |  01 |  6538 | 1646 |   2422 |   2470 |  1696 |  50 |
+ |      |  02 |  4505 |  838 |   1705 |   1962 |   875 |  37 |
+ |      |  03 |  7078 | 1058 |   2574 |   3446 |  1101 |  43 |
+ |      |  04 |  5230 | 1093 |   1868 |   2269 |  1137 |  44 |
+ |      |  05 |  5005 | 1008 |   1778 |   2219 |  1047 |  39 |
+ #+TBLFM: $3=$4+$5+$6::$4=$7-$8
+#+HTML: <div id="smallnote">
+Legend: “Total” gives the total net donations in Euro received in that
+month.  “SEPA”, “Stripe” and “Paypal” are the net donation from the
+respective payment provider.  The “gSEPA” column gives the gross
+donations for the SEPA account; the “Fee” column its bank fees.  We do
+not record the Stripe payment processing costs.  The detailed Paypal
+amounts can be found at this [[file:paypal-summary.org][page]].  One-time and recurring donations
+are not distinguished.
+#+HTML: </div>
+*** Yearly donation stats
+This is a summary of all donations received by g10 Code GmbH to
+support GnuPG development.
-*** Previous years
+Note: 2017 has not yet been entered.
 | Year |    # |  Indi. |  Corp. | Total \EUR |
 | <l>  |  <r> |    <r> |    <r> |        <r> |
@@ -71,9 +108,22 @@ Goteo transferred that money in March 2014 in 6 chunks: 11423, 6000,
 5000, 5000, 5218.  The total amount is however listed for 2013 along
 with 148 individual donations of 5041 Euro (4041 net) received before
 the start of the Goteo campaign.
 #+HTML: </div>
+*** Individual donations this year
+This is the an automatically updated list of donations received via
+the online donation system.  These are raw numbers and don't include
+fees, chargebacks etc.
 * List of Donors
 #+HTML: <div id="tagcloudlist"><ul>
diff --git a/web/donate/paypal-summary.org b/web/donate/paypal-summary.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2437003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/donate/paypal-summary.org
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#+TITLE: GnuPG - Paypal donation summry
+#+STARTUP: showall
+#+SETUPFILE: "../share/setup.inc"
+#+HTML: <!--table_data_wideright-->
+*** Paypal separated by currency
+ | Year | Mon |   EUR | fee | GBP | fee |  USD | fee |   JPY |  fee |  nEUR | nGBP | nUSD | nJPY |   xUSD |    xGBP |   xJPY | total |
+ |------+-----+-------+-----+-----+-----+------+-----+-------+------+-------+------+------+------+--------+---------+--------+-------|
+ | 2017 |  01 |   145 |  12 |     |     | 1394 |  73 |   500 |  100 |   133 |    0 | 1228 |    3 | 1.0755 | 0.86105 | 121.94 |  1364 |
+ |      |  02 |    85 |   6 |  10 |   1 |  110 |   7 |       |      |    79 |   11 |   97 |    0 | 1.0597 | 0.85305 | 118.83 |   187 |
+ |      |  03 |   225 |  13 |     |     |   20 |   1 |       |      |   212 |    0 |   18 |    0 | 1.0691 | 0.85553 | 119.55 |   230 |
+ |      |  04 |   139 |   5 |   5 |   0 |   10 |   1 |       |      |   134 |    6 |    8 |    0 |  1.093 | 0.84473 | 121.76 |   148 |
+ |      |  05 |    55 |   3 |     |     |   26 |   2 |       |      |    52 |    0 |   21 |    0 | 1.1221 | 0.87365 |  124.4 |    73 |
+ |      |  06 | 11140 | 439 | 158 |   9 | 3148 | 161 | 61500 | 3700 | 10701 |  169 | 2617 |  452 | 1.1412 | 0.87933 | 127.75 | 13939 |
+ |      |  07 |  4003 | 219 | 255 |  13 | 2838 | 143 | 15000 |  900 |  3784 |  271 | 2298 |  109 | 1.1727 |  0.8942 |  129.7 |  6462 |
+ |      |  08 |  1952 | 119 | 120 |   7 | 1413 |  79 |  5000 |  300 |  1833 |  123 | 1128 |   36 | 1.1825 | 0.91973 | 130.81 |  3120 |
+ |      |  09 |  2489 | 145 | 150 |   8 |  995 |  59 |       |      |  2344 |  161 |  793 |    0 | 1.1806 | 0.88178 | 132.82 |  3298 |
+ |      |  10 |  1699 | 112 |  35 |   3 |  905 |  53 |       |      |  1587 |   36 |  732 |    0 | 1.1638 | 0.87853 |    132 |  2355 |
+ |      |  11 |  1585 | 102 |  55 |   3 |  750 |  45 |       |      |  1483 |   59 |  595 |    0 | 1.1849 | 0.87985 | 133.08 |  2137 |
+ |      |  12 |  7078 | 335 |  90 |   5 |  926 |  56 |       |      |  6743 |   96 |  725 |    0 | 1.1993 | 0.88723 | 135.01 |  7564 |
+ | 2018 |  01 |  1902 | 116 |  36 |   3 |  855 |  50 |       |      |  1786 |   38 |  646 |    0 | 1.2457 |  0.8791 |  135.6 |  2470 |
+ |      |  02 |  1493 |  97 |  54 |   3 |  660 |  39 |       |      |  1396 |   58 |  508 |    0 | 1.2214 | 0.88415 | 130.72 |  1962 |
+ |      |  03 |  1762 | 110 |  50 |   3 | 2267 | 123 |       |      |  1652 |   54 | 1740 |    0 | 1.2321 |  0.8749 | 131.15 |  3446 |
+ |      |  04 |  1763 | 104 |  35 |   2 |  735 |  44 |       |      |  1659 |   38 |  572 |    0 | 1.2079 |  0.8796 | 132.12 |  2269 |
+ |      |  05 |  1638 |  98 |  35 |   2 |  797 |  47 |       |      |  1540 |   38 |  641 |    0 | 1.1699 |  0.8768 | 127.33 |  2219 |
+ |      |     |       |     |     |     |      |     |       |      |     0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |        |         |        |     0 |
+ #+TBLFM: $11=$3-$4::$12=($5-$6)/$16;%.0f::$13=($7-$8)/$15;%.0f::$14=($9-$10)/$17;%.0f::$18=$11+$12+$13+$14
+#+HTML: <div id="smallnote">
+/nEUR/, /nGBP/, /nUSD/ and /nJPY/ are the net donations converted to
+Euro using the exchange rate from the last banking day of the month
+(/xUSD/,/xGBP/, /xJPL/ columns).  Actually received values may differ
+because the conversion to Euro is triggered manually as needed.
+Values are rounded to a full Euro, USD, Pound or to 100 Yen.
+#+HTML: </div>
+*** Exchange rates
+Taken from the ZIP file found at [[https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/policy_and_exchange_rates/euro_reference_exchange_rates/html/index.en.html][ECB page]].
+| Date        |    USD |     GBP |    JPY |
+| 2017-Jan-31 | 1.0755 | 0.86105 | 121.94 |
+| 2017-Feb-28 | 1.0597 | 0.85305 | 118.83 |
+| 2017-Mar-31 | 1.0691 | 0.85553 | 119.55 |
+| 2017-Apr-28 |  1.093 | 0.84473 | 121.76 |
+| 2017-May-31 | 1.1221 | 0.87365 |  124.4 |
+| 2017-Jun-30 | 1.1412 | 0.87933 | 127.75 |
+| 2017-Jul-31 | 1.1727 |  0.8942 |  129.7 |
+| 2017-Aug-31 | 1.1825 | 0.91973 | 130.81 |
+| 2017-Sep-29 | 1.1806 | 0.88178 | 132.82 |
+| 2017-Oct-31 | 1.1638 | 0.87853 |    132 |
+| 2017-Nov-30 | 1.1849 | 0.87985 | 133.08 |
+| 2017-Dec-29 | 1.1993 | 0.88723 | 135.01 |
+| 2018-Jan-31 | 1.2457 |  0.8791 |  135.6 |
+| 2018-Feb-28 | 1.2214 | 0.88415 | 130.72 |
+| 2018-Mar-29 | 1.2321 |  0.8749 | 131.15 |
+| 2018-Apr-30 | 1.2079 |  0.8796 | 132.12 |
+| 2018-May-31 | 1.1699 |  0.8768 | 127.33 |


Summary of changes:
 web/donate/kudos.org          | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 web/donate/paypal-summary.org | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 web/donate/paypal-summary.org

The GnuPG website and other docs

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