Public tender "EasyGpg", BSI Germany
Bernhard Reiter
bernhard at
Mi Feb 17 09:39:40 CET 2016
Moin Moin,
On Wednesday 23 September 2015 at 09:48:40, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> the Federal Agency of IT-Security of Germany
> has published a public tender about improving the usability
> of end-to-end email encryption by improving GnuPG, Thunderbird, Kontact
> Mail and certificate exchange. It seems to be inspired by STEED.
the BSI has awarded the contract to g10 Code and Intevation!
More details at
Best Regards,
ps: "Moin Moin" is an round-the-clock usable greeting in the north
of Germany. Roughly see
-- (CEO) (Founding GA Member)
Intevation GmbH, Osnabrück, Germany; Amtsgericht Osnabrück, HRB 18998
Owned and run by Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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