Using GPG in the US

Jimmy Kaplowitz jkaplowitz at
Wed Nov 25 03:21:46 CET 1998

Aah. I never thought of running two gpg processes at once. I'm sure not
many people do, but it's good that you thought of it :) That means it
will probably be fixed soon. That is especially good when your box is
multi-user ... it is very rare for more than one person to use my box at
once. However, I doubt two people would be running gpg on the same
files, let alone simultaneously.

- Jimmy Kaplowitz
  jkaplowitz at

Werner Koch wrote:
> But be warned: GnuPG does currently not lock the trustdb or the
> keyrings, so if two gpg processes run on the same files you loose.
>   Werner
> p.s.
>   Yes, it is on my shortlist.

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