PGP5/gpg armoring

brian moore bem at
Mon Sep 28 10:47:08 CEST 1998

On Mon, Sep 28, 1998 at 10:02:52AM +0200, Werner Koch wrote:
> brian moore <bem at> writes:
> > Okay, this seems to make PGP5 happy with my key:
> >     gpg -z 0 --rfc1991 --no-comment --export bem > bem.key
> >     pgpk -v -a ./bem.key
> > 
> > But if I add an '-a' to the GPG line for armoring the key, PGP5 refuses
> > to read it.
> I think you can't use --rfc1991 as this does not produce OpenPGP/PGP 5
> armor headers.


[thorin:~] 9:29:10am 64 % gpg --no-comment -a --export bem > bem.asc
gpg (GNUPG) 0.4.0; Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

[thorin:~] 9:29:18am 65 % pgpk -v -a ./bem.asc
Cannot open configuration file /home/bem/.pgp/pgp.cfg
Unable to import keyfile "./bem.asc".

But this works fine:

[thorin:~] 9:33:19am 82 % gpg --no-comment --export bem > bem.key
gpg (GNUPG) 0.4.0; Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

[thorin:~] 9:33:20am 83 % pgpk -v -a ./bem.key
Cannot open configuration file /home/bem/.pgp/pgp.cfg

Adding keys:

Key ring: './bem.key'
Type Bits KeyID      Created    Expires    Algorithm       Use
pub  1024 0x44ABF134 1998-09-22 ---------- DSS             Sign &
sub  1024 0xD087374B 1998-09-22 ---------- Diffie-Hellman
uid  brian moore <bem at>
uid  brian moore <bem at>
uid  brian moore <bem at>

1 matching key found

My guess is it's the armoring that PGP5 is being picky about:

If I add the above key (via binary, which works) to PGP5 and then export
it, adjust the GPG key to 64 columns and then run a diff:

(gpg -a --no-comment --export bem > bem.asc
 pgpk -xa bem > bem1.asc 
 diff bem.asc bem1.asc
after accepting the above key.)

< Version: GNUPG v0.4.0 (GNU/Linux)
< Comment: Get GNUPG from
> Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
< zVeBhVRmTKNXtCBicmlhbiBtb29yZSA8YmVtQHRob3Jpbi5jbWMubmV0PohXBBMR
< Jplge0HEXLg+qGmfOj0An3a5W7TBCgQN9f20WzIyQUSeYlh/tB5icmlhbiBtb29y
< AheAAAoJEBEkXrBEq/E0pEIAoMonkkOYKMyeKolWyUE9u+9XQN/zAJ4gI2fzZffJ
< F0gKiKosBzNCO0LN/LkBDQQ2By+QEAQA7quHm1wLcr44O1bQQMr6Itq8QRt1euGZ
< Ebovvi0+kRojuQnX3NhxXmNqegyMi0xSnZ3Jz6At7lbiTob+dAehYqs5pacEb4AZ
< YlhlTGjdzn6ZRMayIxLeESXOqagijdxzttK6pWR1D6fgZW5e2+zuBCEgRKs5BTYj
< TBrl/IKW+PcABA0D/0nlOtYu92jIFqkZtPQpEWiXRyuyw2u1xvgHPJFIJHW6Ft7f
< XK1SC2shrOxQPE+okSG+ZkjGJHSYepvtcx7XWiwwWqOlGg8JrsLTP9xBi5EXhlKI
< ucM02CGzyn4Eftrt2W/Wjb6v3ejnTlBV+HcLA2/4pFYF1BV0b3HYVfedGkGziEYE
< njcQiBbP7tPqvdpf9TkVzPu9Ojjs
< =5Z0P
> AAoJEBEkXrBEq/E0T+UAn3ACQz83/mZK66enQTGRDhwrEineAKCheTRxA8rLsVi8
> H81XgYVUZkyjV7QgYnJpYW4gbW9vcmUgPGJlbUB0aG9yaW4uY21jLm5ldD6JAFcE
> qX4mmWB7QcRcuD6oaZ86PQCfdrlbtMEKBA31/bRbMjJBRJ5iWH+0HmJyaWFuIG1v
> FgIBAheAAAoJEBEkXrBEq/E0pEIAoMonkkOYKMyeKolWyUE9u+9XQN/zAJ4gI2fz
> ZffJF0gKiKosBzNCO0LN/LkBDQQ2By+QEAQA7quHm1wLcr44O1bQQMr6Itq8QRt1
> euGZEbovvi0+kRojuQnX3NhxXmNqegyMi0xSnZ3Jz6At7lbiTob+dAehYqs5pacE
> b4AZYlhlTGjdzn6ZRMayIxLeESXOqagijdxzttK6pWR1D6fgZW5e2+zuBCEgRKs5
> BTYjTBrl/IKW+PcABA0D/0nlOtYu92jIFqkZtPQpEWiXRyuyw2u1xvgHPJFIJHW6
> Ft7fXK1SC2shrOxQPE+okSG+ZkjGJHSYepvtcx7XWiwwWqOlGg8JrsLTP9xBi5EX
> hlKIucM02CGzyn4Eftrt2W/Wjb6v3ejnTlBV+HcLA2/4pFYF1BV0b3HYVfedGkGz
> aV3uAJ43EIgWz+7T6r3aX/U5Fcz7vTo47A==
> =49W3

It appears to get out of sync with PGP's for some reason.

I think this is the reason the Internic won't accept my GPG keys
being added.

Brian Moore                         | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker       |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
      Usenet Vandal                 |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.                   Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster

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