bad encrypted session key (bug report?)

Remi Guyomarch rguyom at
Fri Apr 16 01:58:50 CEST 1999

On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 03:23:43AM -0500, Mike Ashley wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a keypair generated using GPG but am having trouble communicating
> with a PGP 6.0 user.  I'm able to duplicate the problem at will.
> Assuming I am Bob and am communicating with Alice, here is the scenario.
> I encrypt a message to Alice and myself.  While I can decrypt the result,
> Alice cannot.  The error she gets from PGP 6.0 is "encrypted session
> key is bad".

I'm confirming. This behaviour depends on arguments order :

Example :
	user    cipher pref   key generator
	Alice   3DES          PGP 6.x (?)
	Bob     Blowfish      GnuPG

~/src/gnupg/CVS $ gpg -v --encrypt -r Bob -r Alice < TODO > /dev/null
gpg: This key probably belongs to the owner
gpg: This key belongs to us
gpg: reading from `[stdin]'
gpg: writing to stdout
gpg: ELG-E/3DES encrypted for: xxxxxxxx Bob
gpg: ELG-E/3DES encrypted for: yyyyyyyy Alice

This one is OK, both PGP and GnuPG will decrypt it.

~/src/gnupg/CVS $ gpg -v --encrypt -r Alice -r Bob < TODO > /dev/null
gpg: This key belongs to us
gpg: This key probably belongs to the owner
gpg: reading from `[stdin]'
gpg: writing to stdout
gpg: ELG-E/BLOWFISH encrypted for: yyyyyyyy Alice
gpg: ELG-E/BLOWFISH encrypted for: xxxxxxxx Bob

Arg ! PGP 6.x doesn't know anything about Blowfish :-(

Even stranger : if Alice's key has CAST5 in its preference, the
message will always be encrypted with CAST5, no matter which recipient 
is the last on the command-line.

Rémi        <rguyom at> | Don't waste your computer's time :
    PGP-encrypt anything important: | - KeyID:0x85BD8B1B |
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