GnuPG is broken when used as filter :-((

Khimenko Victor khim at
Sun Aug 15 14:36:30 CEST 1999

> try:
> gpg -o - --sign --encrypt <redhat-release-6.0-1.noarch.rpm >test.gpg
> the -o is the write to file option, using file '-' will output to
> stdout.
No. It does not help. Even if I'll use -o directly:
-- cut --
gpg -o test.gpg --sign --encrypt <redhat-release-6.0-1.noarch.rpm
-- cut --
Problem is the same: no message about signature on decrypt and something
(I think it's signature :-) is attached to the end of decrypted file...

> hope this helps.
>> 19:23:38 (561.32 B/s) - `redhat-release-6.0-1.noarch.rpm' saved [1190]
>> $ gpg --sign --encrypt < redhat-release-6.0-1.noarch.rpm > test.gpg

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