
Werner Koch wk at isil.d.shuttle.de
Tue Jan 12 08:46:14 CET 1999

Bodo Moeller <Bodo_Moeller at public.uni-hamburg.de> writes:

> Werner Koch <wk at isil.d.shuttle.de>:
> slow random polling function was busily executing over and over again
> (without finding too much randomness), and the program never had
> enough. After some 10000 lines of debugging output, I stopped it (and
> manually added things like "xwd -root" to the slow poll command table,

xwd -root yields more than one meg of data but I have some doubts that
there is much random in it.

Is here someone how as experience with Peter Gutmann's crtlib on

> warning/error messages should be generated (as in the dummy random
> number generator case) -- at least the user will know what is going

Or print a notice like the /dev/random code does.

> In the long run, probably there should be some provisions for random
> seeding in the option/configuration file parser (possibly with support
> for something like PGP's randseed.bin -- with manual randomness
> gathering via keyboard timings for slow interactive commands such as
> key generation and automatic [low-entropy] randomness updating for
> non-interactive or "less-interactive" commands such as encryption).

Or tell Sun to implement Tytso's /dev/random which has a BSD style
license.  I'd prefer such a sulution.


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