importing keys with escaped "="

Werner Koch wk at
Wed Jan 13 10:51:59 CET 1999

"James H. Cloos Jr." <cloos at> writes:

> Since pgp to have accepted it, pgp must have code to recognize
> ascii-armour which has been converted to quoted-printable and
> to decode it on input.  Adding such code to gpg ought to be

But is it the goal of gpg to fix problems in some mailers?  The
armor is simply not compliant to rfc2440 or rfc1991 and gpg
should tell you that.  But dues to the motto:  Create valid output but
try to accept even somewhat mangled input I can add this and print a

Hmmm, just checked - it is not so easy cause I have to do a look ahead 
and the armor code still does not read complete lines I would have to
change this first.


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