0.9.6 rpm

Fabio Coatti cova at felix.unife.it
Tue May 11 00:08:28 CEST 1999

On Fri, May 07, 1999 at 10:12:48AM +0200, Werner Koch wrote:
> Fabio Coatti <cova at felix.unife.it> writes:
> > FAIL: genkey1024.test
> Can you please remove the output redirection to /dev/null for expect
> in genkey1924 and if needed enable expect debugging

The problem seems related to internationalization. expect wants
english (default) messages, I've LANG and LC_ALL set to it.
You have to unset LANG in chacks script (at least in genkey1024.text)

I'm uploading src and i386 rpms to pgp.4net.it. Tomorrow it will be
In a few days I should build linux/sparc and hopefully linux/alpha

Fabio Coatti                    http://felix.unife.it/~cova     
Ferrara Linux Users Group	http://flug.unife.it
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