GnuPG for BeOS

Werner Koch wk at
Wed Nov 17 10:22:55 CET 1999

Sebastien Bouchex <bouchex at> writes:

> So I have just used srand() and rand(), I know it's not very clean but it 

NO, NO, NO - NEVER EVEN TRY TO USE IT!  You are going to compromise your

Peter Gutmann has entropy gathering code in his Cryptlib.  I am not
sure whether he has allowed us to use it under the GPL - I have to
check.  According to the code, there might be a /dev/random.  You may
also want to ask the Be to include the /dev/random driver; it has a
BSD style license, so it should be not a great problem.

> How, do I submit the source code changes (if you want it of source) ? the 
> changes are very minors...

Send them to me <wk at> and let me see whether I can include
them without legal papers.

Werner Koch at            keyid 621CC013

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