spec file
Fabio Coatti
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 22:55:03 +0200
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On Wed, Apr 19, 2000 at 07:04:33PM +0200, Werner Koch wrote:
> I have released a new snapshot of GnuPG, I hope this is one of the
> last ones before 1.0.2 ;-)
Attached to this message you can find the spec.in file for gnupg. It's
updated with some fixes from Petr Kristof <Petr@Kristof.CZ>, that also
have wrote the Czech description.
If someone wants to try this spec, simply untar the 1.0.1e version of
gnupg, replace the scripts/gnupg.spec.in with this version, issue a
=2E/configure followed by make dist.
Then a simple rpm -ta gnupg-1.0.1e.tar.gz will build the rpm.
Please tell me if something goes wrong or if there are some
changes to do.
As Werner said, be aware that 1.0.1e is only for beta testing
I will upload rpm for RH 6.1 and MDK 7.0 as soon as 1.0.2 is released.
Fabio Coatti http://www.ferrara.linux.it/members/cova =20
Ferrara Linux Users Group http://ferrara.linux.it
GnuPG fp:6AB9 277E 9AA7 9D20 E82C 9EE7 2D17 E351 3DCB 0CDC
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
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# gnupg -- gnu privacy guard
# This is a template. The dist target uses it to create the real file.
%define version @pkg_version@
%define name gnupg
Summary: GPL public key crypto
Summary(it): Utility GNU per la sicurezza nelle comunicazioni e nell'archiv=
iazione dei dati.
Summary(cs): GNU n=E1stroj pro =B9ifrovanou komunikaci a bezpe=E8n=E9 ukl=
=E1d=E1n=ED dat
Vendor: GNU Privacy Guard Project
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: 1
Copyright: GPL
Group: Applications/Cryptography
Group(cs): Aplikace/=A9ifrov=E1n=ED
Source: ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/pub/gcrypt/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
URL: http://www.gnupg.org
Provides: gpg openpgp
BuildRoot: /tmp/rpmbuild_%{name}
* Tue Apr 25 2000 Fabio Coatti <cova@ferrara.linux.it>
- Removed the no longer needed patch for man page by Keith Owens
* Wed Mar 1 2000 Petr Kri=B9tof <Petr@Kristof.CZ>=20
- Czech descriptions added; some fixes and updates.
* Sat Jan 15 2000 Keith Owens <kaos@ocs.com.au>
- Add missing man page as separate patch instead of updating the tar file.
* Mon Dec 27 1999 Fabio Coatti <cova@ferrara.linux.it>=20
- Upgraded for 1.0.1 (added missing gpg.1 man page)
* Sat May 29 1999 Fabio Coatti <cova@ferrara.linux.it>
- Some corrections in French description, thanks to Ga=EBl Qu=E9ri <gqueri@=
mail.dotcom.fr> =20
* Mon May 17 1999 Fabio Coatti <cova@felix.unife.it>
- Added French description, provided by=20
Christophe Labouisse <labouiss@cybercable.fr>
* Thu May 06 1999 Fabio Coatti <cova@felix.unife.it>=20
- Upgraded for 0.9.6 (removed gpgm)
* Tue Jan 12 1999 Fabio Coatti <cova@felix.unife.it>
- LINGUAS variable is now unset in configure to ensure that all languages w=
ill be built. (Thanks to Luca Olivetti <luca@luca.ddns.org>)
* Sat Jan 02 1999 Fabio Coatti <cova@felix.unife.it>
- Added pl language file.
- Included g10/pubring.asc in documentation files.
* Sat Dec 19 1998 Fabio Coatti <cova@felix.unife.it>
- Modified the spec file provided by Caskey L. Dickson <caskey-at-technocag=
- Now it can be built also by non-root. Installation has to be done as
root, gpg is suid.
- Added some changes by Ross Golder <rossigee@bigfoot.com>
- Updates for version 0.4.5 of GnuPG (.mo files)
GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is a GNU utility for encrypting data and
creating digital signatures. GnuPG has advanced key management
capabilities and is compliant with the proposed OpenPGP Internet
standard described in RFC2440. Since GnuPG doesn't use any patented
algorithm, it is not compatible with any version of PGP2 (PGP2.x uses
only IDEA, patented worldwide, and RSA, which is patented in the US
until 9/20/00).
%description -l it
GnuPG =E8 un sostituto completo e gratuito per il PGP. Non utilizzando
IDEA o RSA pu=F2 essere utilizzato senza restrizioni. GnuPG =E8 conforme
alle specifiche OpenPGP (RFC2440).
%description -l fr
GnuPG est un remplacement complet et =AB libre =BB de PGP. Comme il n'utili=
ni IDEA ni RSA il peut =EAtre utilis=E9 sans restriction. GnuPG est conforme
=E0 la sp=E9cification OpenPGP (RFC2440). =20
%description -l cs
GnuPG je GNU n=E1stroj pro bezpe=E8nou komunikaci a ukl=E1d=E1n=ED dat. M=
=F9=BEe b=FDt
pou=BEit na =B9ifrov=E1n=ED dat a vytv=E1=F8en=ED digit=E1ln=EDch podpis=F9=
. Obsahuje
funkce pro pokro=E8ilou spr=E1vu kl=ED=E8=F9 a vyhovuje navrhovan=E9mu Open=
Internet standardu podle RFC2440. Byl vytvo=F8en jako kompletn=ED
n=E1hrada za PGP. Proto=BEe neobsahuje =B9ifrovac=ED algoritmy IDEA nebo RS=
m=F9=BEe b=FDt pou=BE=EDv=E1n bez omezen=ED.
Proto=BEe GnuPG nepou=BE=EDv=E1 =BE=E1dn=FD patentovan=FD algoritmus, nem=
=F9=BEe b=FDt =FApln=EC
kompatibiln=ED s PGP verze 2. PGP 2.x pou=BE=EDv=E1 algoritmy IDEA (patento=
celosv=ECtov=EC) a RSA (patentov=E1no ve Spojen=FDch st=E1tech do 20. z=E1=
2000). Tyto algoritmy lze zav=E9st do GnuPG pomoc=ED extern=EDch modul=F9.
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{version}
if test -n "$LINGUAS"; then
fi =20
CFLAGS=3D"$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=3D/usr --enable-shared
make install-strip prefix=3D$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr
%doc %attr (-,root,root) INSTALL
%doc %attr (-,root,root) AUTHORS
%doc %attr (-,root,root) COPYING
%doc %attr (-,root,root) ChangeLog
%doc %attr (-,root,root) NEWS
%doc %attr (-,root,root) README
%doc %attr (-,root,root) THANKS
%doc %attr (-,root,root) TODO =20
%doc %attr (-,root,root) PROJECTS
%doc %attr (-,root,root) doc/DETAILS
%doc %attr (-,root,root) doc/FAQ
%doc %attr (-,root,root) doc/HACKING
%doc %attr (-,root,root) doc/OpenPGP
%doc %attr (-,root,root) g10/pubring.asc
%doc %attr (-,root,root) g10/OPTIONS
%attr (-,root,root) /usr/man/man1/gpg.1
%attr (4755,root,root) /usr/bin/gpg
%attr (-,root,root) /usr/share/locale/*/*/%{name}.mo
%attr (-,root,root) /usr/lib/%{name}
%attr (-,root,root) /usr/share/%{name}
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{version}
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
Content-Disposition: inline
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1e (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org