Odd key

Rémi Guyomarch rguyom at mail.dotcom.fr
Wed Feb 9 21:07:49 CET 2000

On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 03:38:30PM +0100, Werner Koch wrote:
> You can trust that the person how did the signature or created the key
> used this timestamp.  But sure, it is trivial to chnage the system
> clock.

Is the timestamp guaranted to be in UTC ? There might be some timezone
related problems with early PGP versions (just a guess).

> The CVS version STABLE-BRANCH-1-0 has now the option
> --ignore-time-conflict.  I have not tested it yet, please tell me if
> it works.

I added a #include "options.h" to g10/sig-check.c but otherwise it seems to
work well.

Here's a patch fixing a cosmetic problem with '--check-sig'.
Un-patched :

pub  2047R/6FFC5075 1998-07-29 Adam D. McKenna <adam at flounder.net>
sig?       09AC0A6A 2000-02-09
sig?       88289872 2000-01-22
siggpg: public key is 7999 seconds newer than the signature
%       6FFC5075 1998-07-29  [timestamp conflict] 

Patched :

pub  2047R/6FFC5075 1998-07-29 Adam D. McKenna <adam at flounder.net>
sig?       09AC0A6A 2000-02-09
sig?       88289872 2000-01-22
gpg: public key is 7999 seconds newer than the signature
sig%       6FFC5075 1998-07-29  [timestamp conflict] 

Index: g10/keylist.c
RCS file: /home/koch/cvs/gnupg/g10/keylist.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1.24.2.3 keylist.c
--- g10/keylist.c       1999/11/29 20:44:31
+++ g10/keylist.c       2000/02/09 19:52:27
@@ -351,6 +351,7 @@
        else if( opt.list_sigs && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE ) {
            PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
            int sigrc;
+           char *sigstr;

            if( !any ) { /* no user id, (maybe a revocation follows)*/
                if( sig->sig_class == 0x20 )
@@ -368,11 +369,11 @@

            if( sig->sig_class == 0x20 || sig->sig_class == 0x28
                                       || sig->sig_class == 0x30 )
-               fputs("rev", stdout);
+               sigstr = "rev";
            else if( (sig->sig_class&~3) == 0x10 )
-               fputs("sig", stdout);
+               sigstr = "sig";
            else if( sig->sig_class == 0x18 )
-               fputs("sig", stdout);
+               sigstr = "sig";
            else {
                if( opt.with_colons )
                    printf("sig::::::::::%02x:\n",sig->sig_class );
@@ -395,6 +396,7 @@
                rc = 0;
                sigrc = ' ';
+           fputs( sigstr, stdout );
            if( opt.with_colons ) {
                if( sigrc != ' ' )

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