How to deal with old RSA keys

Eric Hanchrow offby1 at
Fri May 19 15:12:55 CEST 2000

>>>>> "Lyman" == Lyman Hazelton <lrh at> writes:

    Lyman> But I have an old RSA key that's been kicking around for a
    Lyman> long time and I didn't have a die-date on it.  I still want
    Lyman> to be able to get messages written to me with this key.  Is
    Lyman> there a module that I can add to gnupg that will allow me
    Lyman> to do this?  Not everyone is switching to gpg and I still
    Lyman> need to hear from them in private.

This should really be a FAQ.

If you're using Debian GNU/Linux, then all you need to do is install
the packages `gpg-rsaref' and `gpg-idea'.  Then add these lines to

        load-extension rsa
        load-extension idea

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