conventional-mdc.test fails on NetBSD, since 'dd count=0' doesn't

Brian Warner
1 Nov 2000 06:44:07 -0000

Dunno if this has already been reported or not, but I happened to try to build
gnupg-1.0.4 on a NetBSD system, and the conventional-mdc.test failed because
it tried to use 'dd' to create a 0-byte file. It turns out that NetBSD 'dd'
just ignores count=0, whereas Linux dd will dutifully create the file.

 unameshell7: {132} uname -a
 FreeBSD 2.2.8-STABLE FreeBSD 2.2.8-STABLE #113: Mon Sep 18 14:03:21 PDT 2000  i386
 shell7: {133} dd if=data-80000 of=z bs=1 count=0
 shell7: {134} ls -l z
 ls: z: No such file or directory
 shell7: {135} 

 198:warner@luther% uname -a
 Linux 2.4.0-test9 #1 Sun Oct 8 13:45:11 PDT 2000 i586 unknown
 199:warner@luther% dd if=data-80000 of=z bs=1 count=0
 0+0 records in
 0+0 records out
 200:warner@luther% ls -l z
 -rw-r--r--    1 warner   warner          0 Oct 31 22:36 z

A simple workaround would be to touch the file before running dd:

--- conventional-mdc.test~	Sat Jun  3 05:11:13 2000
+++ conventional-mdc.test	Tue Oct 31 22:38:02 2000
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #info Checking conventional encryption
 for i in 0 1 2 3 9 10 11 19 20 21 22 23 39 40 41 8192 32000 ; do
   for ciph in 3des cast5 blowfish twofish; do
+    touch z
     dd if=data-80000 of=z bs=1 count=$i 2>/dev/null
     echo "Hier spricht HAL" | $srcdir/run-gpg --passphrase-fd 0 \
 	--force-mdc --cipher $ciph -c -o x --yes z

Seems to work for me.
