Possibly an FAQ, but can't see it...

Richard Johnson rdump@river.com
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 13:50:08 -0600

At 12:27 -0600 on 09/20/2000, Derek J. Balling wrote:
> As a Mac user, my question is, is there ANYONE working on a MacOS
> port of GPG, so that I can use GPG instead of PGP with my Eudora
> client?
> The command-line versions are great and all, but getting the
> functionality up to "Drop in replacement" for the windows/mac
> versions (with their nice integration into Eudora/Outlook/etc.) would
> definitely be a step in the right direction.
> D

I looked at doing a port last year.  However, gnupg seems to have been
written solely with a command line interface in mind, just like PGP.  At
first glance, major surgery seemed to be required to turn it into an event
driven GUI app.  I recoiled in fear, and worked on other things.

I've heard rumblings about a lib version that may ease a port to Mac OS
(and Windows), but haven't had time to keep up with the list lately.
