Possibly an FAQ, but can't see it...
Pete Chown
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 12:55:30 +0100
Michael Still wrote:
> I have been thinking about something like this for a little while. Is
> anyone coding this sort of thing at the moment? I don't mean a GUI (I am
> aware of those), but a library to expose the functionality of GPG?
The --status-fd option works reasonably well for me. I found a couple
of nuisances though:
Firstly if a key has more than one uid, only the first one is reported
on the status stream. This makes all the subsequent ones unusable if
you are using this interface to gnupg.
Secondly if you want to verify a detached signature, you have to write
either the signature or the data to a file. It would be nice if you
could provide the signature on one file descriptor and the data on
another, for example.
I agree that a library would be nice, but it isn't essential for me.