A GPG version of the PGPstealth program?

JanuszA.Urbanowicz JanuszA.Urbanowicz
Tue Aug 21 14:32:01 2001

> The reason I have to use PGP is that there is a
> stealth program for PGP but not for GPG. The
> stealth program only supports version 2.6.n of
> PGP. I have looked at the code to see how easy
> it would be to adapt it for GPG and it is beyond
> my skill, unfortunately. How do the other GPG
> developers and users feel about adapting the
> stealth program to conform to the open standard
> for GPG/PGP ? I have talked to the author about
> this but to no avail. I think he's just too busy
> and has moved onto other things.
There is no need for adapting stealth for GPG. GPG has --throw-keyid option that does the same as the stealth program. Alex --=20 C _-=3D-_ H| Janusz A. Urbanowicz | ALEX3-RIPE | SF-F Framling | | = * =09 ; (_O : +-------------------------------------------------------------+ --= +~|=09 ! &~) ? | P=B3yn=B1=E6 chc=EA na Wsch=F3d, za Suez, gdzie jest dobrem ka= =BFde z=B3o | l_|/=09 A ~-=3D-~ O| Gdzie przykaza=F1 brak dziesi=EAciu, a pi=E6 mo=BFna a=BF po d= no; | | =20