key listing using GPGME

Miroslav Koncar miroslav.koncar at
Mon Jun 11 12:01:01 CEST 2001

Hello all,

I've noticed something within the GPGME which could be considered as a
bug, I think. I've compiled GPGME for Windows, and been using it with
GnuPG 1.0.5 on Win2000. The thing I've noticed is with keylist feature.
When running a test program in the tests directory t-keylist, when
providing it with no pattern, it always (well, almost always, one out of
50 times it lists all the keys) stops listing before the last key.
Doesn't metter how big the pubring is, the last key is missing in the
output. What's weird, when providing it with the pattern for that last
key, it finds the key, and prints it out perfectly.

Any ideas?

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