using gpgme problems

Jacob Perkins jap1 at
Mon Aug 19 21:51:01 CEST 2002

I apologize for the second posting, it was actually the first email
sent, but from an unsubscribed address and I didn't know if it would get
through the moderator.
Anyway, you're probably right, and I'm sorry if this is a basic
question, but how can I ensure that a library (gpgme) is linked?

On Mon, 2002-08-19 at 10:30, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-08-18 23:45:12 -0500, Jacob Perkins <jap1 at>
> wrote in message <1029732312.28465.7.camel at>:
> > I'm trying to use gpgme in a project, and I'm having trouble getting a
> > successful make. I've included gpgme.h, I can define gpgme types, but I
> You've already asked this question, you've got an answer that has a
> really high chance of being correct, but you ask again. Why?
> MfG, JBG
> -- 
> Jan-Benedict Glaw   .   jbglaw at   .   +49-172-7608481
> 	 -- New APT-Proxy written in shell script --

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