Example for GPGME function "gpgme_set_passphrase_cb" ?

Laurent Cheylus foxy at free.fr
Tue Mar 5 16:02:01 CET 2002


in GPGME library, the function "gpgme_set_passphrase_cb" has prototype :
void gpgme_set_passphrase_cb (GpgmeCtx ctx , GpgmePassphraseCb cb , void
* cb_value )

with :
typedef const char *(*GpgmePassphraseCb)(void*cb_value, const char
*desc, void **r_hd) for the callback "cb".

But I don't understand how to get the status of the passphrase entry. I
have some code who works well when the passphrase is good but how get
the status, if the passphrase is bad or missing ??

Has anybody some example of code to help me with this function ?

Thanks, Foxy.

Laurent Cheylus <foxy at free.fr> OpenPGP ID 0x5B766EC2

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